Grim Beginnings

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                              Virginia 2010

"We have an assault and battery taking place on 3135 Water Street. An available unit to 3135 Water Street." The radio buzzed. Officer Will Graham picked up the radio and spoke.

"This is Officer Graham, I'm in route, over." He said before making a u-turn down dark the street. It had been an uneventful day for Officer Graham and he knew that this night was gonna have something in store for him. 

The policeman pulled up to the apartment complex called the Arbor Point and got out. He started walking to the the apartment that called when he heard a scream. Hand over his gun, instinctively Will ran toward the cries. In a foliage filled courtyard of the complex there was woman on the ground, bleeding from her neck. He checked to see if she was conscious. Her breathing was shallow and she seemed unresponsive. He grabbed his radio.

"I need an ambulance to 3135 Water Street immediately!" Will said over the radio to any that would listen. A shadowy figure loomed in the distance watching the officer. Will heard the rustle and jumped up, alert and ready to defend himself. A moment later he felt a presence behind him and turned around, gun drawn. Nothing but trees and darkness. The hairs on the back of neck still stood up. Something was here. He knew it.

 "This is the Norfolk Police! Come out with your hands up!" Graham called into the night. His only response was crickets and a dog bark in the distance. He stood his ground near the victim. Suddenly Will felt a violent shove sending him on his knees. A biker, rather tall and pale stood before him.

 "It's rather rude to disturb a man's meal don'tcha think?" The man said in a gruff voice before kicking Will in the stomach with incredible force. Will wheezed and fell forward. The blond biker brought his attention back to the woman. She had bleed out during their altercation.

 "Fuck! She's dead! Now what am I supposed to eat?!" The man growled then kicked Will in the head. Will was sent flying back a few feet. Just then the biker heard the voice of a passing woman and a child. He mouth twisted into a fanged smile.

 "Looks like it's my lucky night, copper." He said before nearly vanishing before Will's eyes. The officer, using all his strength, got to his feet. He had to stop him. Will knew what he was now. The biker was a Dark Other, a vampire. He was warned to stay out of the affairs of Others. They had their own government. But Will couldn't let this thing kill somebody else. He just couldn't. Will scrambled for his gun and limped after him. 

In the parking lot he spotted him holding the little girl by her neck. The mother crying and begging for him to let them go. Will grabbed his radio to request back up.

 "I have a dead body on 3135 Water Street. There's a vampire and holding a family hostage. I need back up. Over." He explained. The line went silent before dispatch replied.

 "Officer Graham, if it's an Other then you have to get out of there. We can't intervene with their affairs. Over." The officer huffed and charged in anyway. He aimed his weapon at the vampire.

"Police! Don't move!" Graham ordered. The vampire looked over at him through his shades and let out an exasperated sigh. 

"You know, you're really starting to piss me off!" He said before dropping the child. The biker sprinted at him before vanishing. Will looked around ready to fire. The vampire reemerged from nothing and lunged at Will. He fired at him before the Other disappeared again. There were a few splotches of blood on the pavement. He could see the blood trailing toward him. Will steadied himself and waited for an opening. The biker manifested but Will was ready. He grabbed onto him, trying to subdue him but it only made the him take a step back onto his own shadow. Suddenly they both were snatched from their realm to one of a sepia tone. It looked the same as where their world but everything around them moved at a far slower pace. The very air seemed thin and Will felt very weak all of a sudden. The vampire shoved Will off him and pulled out his jack knife. His wounds had stopped bleeding. The officer pulled out his gun.  

 The vampire chuckled. "Humans don't last long in the Twilight. You're gonna die and so will that mother and child." Will looked at them. They looked frightened and seemed almost frozen, statuesque. He couldn't let them die. He would save them even he if it meant to die in the Twilight. The vampire charged at him, Will just nary missed being cut. He could feel himself being drained of his energy. Will stumbled and attempted to fire his gun at him again but the vampire kicked it out of his hands and stabbed him in the shoulder. Will screamed and fell to the ground. The vampire grabbed his foot and tossed him onto a car. He yelped in pain and lugged himself up, making him fall to the ground.

"I should stop playing around and just end you." The vampire said making his way to Will. He felt defeated. He tried so hard to uphold his vow to protect and serve but between the Dark Other and the Twilight he didn't have much of a chance. Will propped himself against the car tire. He was just about ready for the end when he saw a crowbar near the tire. 

"Got myself a nice starter course. I wonder what you taste like, cop?" He sneered. The vampire bent down beside him and exposed Will's neck. Will reached for the crowbar and gripped it as tight as he could. The vampire brought Will's neck close to his face. Before he could bite him, the officer jammed the crowbar into the Other's chest, impaling him. The vampire stared at him, wide eyed, before gagging and coughing on his own blood. The crimson leaked from his lips, down his bearded chin. He fell back and lied there on the ground, motionless. Will laughed softly then stilled. He felt the Twilight taking him but he felt content. He closed his eyes.

 "You're not done yet, Graham." A voice said.  Will opened his eyes. He saw a being crouched beside him. It had human form but light shined from it and it had wings.                                                                                                      "Are...You...An angel?" He managed to say. The being picked him up. 

"Sorry we're late but you just rest now." The being advised. Too exhausted to challenge it's request he slept. When he woke up he was back in the normal world. He couldn't make sense of what occurred. He was lying on the pavement. The morning sun starting to rise. He was surrounded by a several people.

 "What happened?" Will asked groggily. A woman with long black hair smiled at him.

"You went into the Twilight. You're no longer human, Will." She gently explained.

"I don't understand...." He said closing his eyes. He was just doing his job. Now he was somehow an Other?

"Come with us, Will. We'll help you to understand." The woman said extending her hand. Will squinted at her, contemplating. After a moment he finally took her hand. 

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