Unspoken Words

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Dew sat still on the blades of grass, as my fingers interupted their slumber.

Guilt stabbed into my chest, unknown feeling bearing in. Why do I feel guilty? It wasn't I who slapped their daughter. But I did provoke it, didn't I?

A tear slipped down my cheek, cold, wet, and full of sadness. I use to smile, laugh, and joke about things but now, it's like everything is colored a dull grey. Filled with dark instead of light.

What ever happened to the light? Where did it go? I can't answer these question, but yet they plague my mind.

I sigh deeply and rest my head on my pillow of a jacket. I can feel myself being lullyed to sleep by Andy Biersack's voice. Jake Pitt's lead guitar strums.. Jeremy Ferguson's violin and rythm strings.. Christian Coma's drums.. Ashley Purdy's tunes and tones.. All of it mixing in, and tearing my walls down.

The sun beat's down on my eyes. Tiring them out even more, if possible. I sit up slowly, as the past event's flow into my head. I wince in rememberance and pain. I shake my head widly, trying to stay focused on the branches laying infront of me. My finger's graze the wood softly. Somehow, I find myself tearing up. A minute or so later, I wipe the cold tears from my face.

I stood up clumsily and shakingly. I walked hesitantly to the front door. I cracked it open just a little bit and peered in. My father was no where in sight. That's odd. I open the door more and walk in, shutting the door behind me quietly. I chack the time on my phone, feeling a a little stupid for not doing so earlier. It read, " 3:47 A.M." I didn't think it was that dark outside! I look again and realize how dark it really was. I sighed softly and went to the wooden staircase. I took on last look into the open living room before going upstairs. I wish it was like how it use to be, but I know it will never be the same again. I'll have to live with that..

As I pass the bathroom I realize I need to take a shower. I speed walk back to my room and pick out a pair of black undergarmets, a grey tanktop, and a pear of fuzzy black pajama bottoms. I walk back to the restroom and lock the door once i'm inside. I strip till i'm bare and walk into the shower, pulling the shower curtain in the process.

The hot water steaming across my body allows me time to think. A razor blade dances upon my skin, yet it doesn't seem deep enough. But, I watch in remorse as the blood drips from my scarred hip. "One for my dad."

The blade slices across.

"One for my mother."

Another shallow cut along the side.

"One deep cut for my brother. "

A slash burning deep, it tells me more about myself, than my words could ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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