There's only one: ABSOLUTELY NO HATE. Any hate from any member (even an admin) or a random person will be reported and blocked immediately.
Just don't do it, okay? It's ain't cute and it ain't cool.
1) How do I join?
Don't worry about that, it's super easy. All you have to do it:
• Fill out your name (doesn't have to be real if you don't want it to be, it's just something you can go by)
• What fandom(s) you're in
• follow this account (so we know who our members are)
• (and this is optional) your email, which is just in case we can't reach you on Wattpad, which is highly unlikely. Again, this is optional.
You can comment your filled form below this chapter, but we'd prefer if you would PM it to the account or one of the admins instead. We would like to keep the comments section clear and not jumbled up with forms and people with questions, please.
2) How does this work?
I'm so glad you asked. Each week ou guys get to decide on what we read, from what fandom and what book from that fandom. For example, let's say this week you guys chose The Vampire Diaries then during the next couple of days, you have time to nominate and chose which book is going to be read that week. After selecting the book everyone has about a week to read that book (you don't have to read the whole thing if you don't want to, you can just read a couple of chapters to get the feel of it if you want). Later on that week, probably during the weekend, one of the admins will post a section for that book where you can comment on what you liked, what you didn't like, advice for the author, and rate it if you want. It's pretty much an easy-paced thing so people don't feel rushed and can do their own thing on their own time.
3) What if I don't want to read about a fandom that's one of mine?
That's the beauty of having an open-ended book club, you don't have to. Just simply don't read it if you don't want to. While we do advise you to try it, maybe you'll find something you like, we're not going to force you. You will still be in the club if you skip out on a couple of weeks.
4) Can I nominate my books for one of the weeks?
Yes! If you get enough nominations, then definitely. The purpose of this book club is to help writers gain reads and votes. But, while nominating your books are just fine, it would be nice every once and a while for you to nominate other people's books as well, just to keep things smooth and fair.
5) What if my book gets nominated? What does that mean?
Well, it means that you'll probably receive a PM from this account or one of the admins notifying you about being chosen and asking permission. We never want to intrude on privacy or rights if you don't want your book being reviewed.
Afterwards, you'll be put in our reading lists under "finished books" and the fandom that book came from. If it's multi, it'll be in multiple reading lists.
And lastly, after being reviewed and discussed, this account will vote for however many chapters are in your book. It's just a way of thanking you for letting us read your book and being so cool about it. We really appreciate it!
6) Can I nominate non-member books?
YES! In fact, we encourage you to. If you found this amazing book you want to share, by all means, go for it!
7) Can I drop out of the club once I join?
Yes. All you have to do is notify one of the admins and they will remove you from the members list. We won't be mad at you if you want to leave, it's totally okay! :)
8) Can I join back once I've dropped out?
Yes...but after a certain amount of time. If you drop out and suddenly decide you want to come back, you have to wait a week to rejoin as an official member.
9) What if I'm being bullied on this account?
You tell us IMMEDIATELY. We will handle it as quickly as possible and make sure that no drama will happen here.
10) What if I want to be an admin of the club?
Just PM us. We'll give you a different form and decide once we look it over.
If you have any more questions, you can PM us anytime, we'd be glad to answer them!

All-Fandom Book Club
Random[NOTE: FOR NOTIFICATIONS AND UPDATES ADD THIS BOOK TO YOUR LIBRARY PLEASE] The purpose for an all-fandom book club is to bring people together from different fandoms, help writers gain reads and hopefully votes, and help readers find some good book...