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Heartbreak after heartbreak, you decide you give up. You don't pay attention to the things you used to.
But then one day, she catches your eye, and all of the sudden it's like you jumped off of a cliff. Hoping, praying, that she could catch you.
You feel your heart plummeting, sinking to the very depths of your soul, and you think "How could you be so naive? You promised yourself no more heartbreak, you said trust no one.."
But it's just something about her, that pulls you towards her. Like you've known her forever.. Your heart screams yes, but your brain is fighting it, shouting no. Yet no matter how loud your brain screams, it's so faint and distant compared to the loud banging of your heartbeat in your ears.
The feeling of your heart beating so fast in your chest when you see her, or just talk to her, that you feel like you can't breathe.
Then you think to yourself,
"It couldn't be that bad.. I trust her, let's try it.." That's it, game over, you fell. It feels good doesn't it?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2016 ⏰

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