|| me before you ||

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a/n: so this is the first time i've written fanfiction and i KNOW this isn't remotely close to the original book because these characters have so deeply had an impact on my heart and i don't think i'd do them justice. but i did try my best and i think this is satisfactory. 

DISCLAIMER: i own none of these characters and they've been borrowed from the lovely Jojo Moyes' Me Before You.

this book has torn every fissure of my heart and as soon as i'd read it, i wanted to do something to give an alternative ending. so here goes. please do vote and comment. (contains subtle spoilers but not much of the story is given away.)



TIME WAS A horrible thing.

It grasped Louisa Clark by her neck, with its devilishly long fingers, clawing at her skin, scraping at her flesh until she was choking, choking. The continuous ringing of the tick tock made her a haggard ball of mess; a complete, irreparable wreckage.

There was so little time, and so much she had to do, and every cell, every nerve, every muscle in her body screamed, writhed, pushing her to do something - anything - because she couldn't just lose the only person who'd changed her. She couldn't.

Time was a horrible thing, and it was running out so fast it felt like someone had pressed the fast forward button, and it was only a matter of time before everything around her came crashing down.

How amazing would it be if she could press the rewind button and then go back in time to experience the rush of adrenaline she felt whenever he was in close proximity with her. How amazing would it be if she could only just pause that moment and replay it over and over again.

Will. Oh, Will.

At the faintest thought of him, she knew that he was one person she couldn't risk losing. She knew that he was one person she was madly, hopelessly, irrevocably in love with. She knew him like she knew herself. She knew every crevice on his body, every bump on his chest, every curve of his jaw. She was no longer the same Louisa Clark she was earlier. She was Will's Clark now. She was his. Her heart was his. She knew it.

Time was a horrible thing.

It dug holes in her love.



WILL TRAYNOR WAS absolutely positive about one thing: if people were planets, Clark was the bloody Sun. And he was one among the many moons that various planets had.

Clark had a way of bustling into people's lives. She radiated an insane amount of energy and transformed her surroundings to unusually merry things. She was the kind of person you read about in books or watched in movies or dreamed to be one day - lovely and crazy and so full of life.

Mind you, Sun was always radiating blinding light. It could burst and burst and burst out so much light that one day, all the other planets could jump out of their orbits and explode thunderously into tiny fragments. What could the poor, dependent Moon do after all? It was only fair for it to disappear from the millions of other moons in various galaxies; it was only fair for it to just blast out on its own so as to let the Sun produce light to the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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