The Demise of Count Magnus Lee (Part I)

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This story takes place in the distant future, when mutants and demons slither through a world of darkness.

The sun was setting, colouring the sky in hues of orange and red. D traversed the rocky terrain astride his dark cybernetic horse. He was garbed in a dark cloak and synthetic armour, his long sword strapped to his back and a large hat and long dark brown hair obscuring his pale face. His features were schooled in a collected and bored expression, though his ice blue eyes scanned the terrain warily.

The heat of the day casted waves at eye level and the sound of a coming burst of wind was heard by his vampiric ears. Lightening struck across the sky as he and his horse trotted down the dry dirt path, scuffing up dust in their wake. Soon barren trees cropped up amongst the rocks, revealing mutated lizards and other small creatures basking in the sun.

As the terrain became grassy, the winds picked up, howling into his ears. There standing before his path, in the middle of the road, stood a young woman with long light brown hair with natural highlights. She wore worn leather trousers, a loose fitted canvas shirt and jacket. At her hip was a whip attached to her double belt and a scarf was wrapped about her neck. Her face was set in determination as she waited patiently for D to draw nearer.

D drew to a halt before waiting patiently for her to state her business, his cloak billowing in the wind.

"I take it you're a hunter for hire," she announced over the wind.

D didn't dignify her with a response.

"Well, answer me, you can talk, can't you?" she cried in frustration.

He remained silent. Her eyes strayed to his long sword.

"Quite a fancy sword you've got there, do you know how to use it or is it just for show?"

He didn't respond to her taunt.

She then rushed him, grasping the whip at her belt, then striking him. The whip electrified and D calmly tilted his head to the side, allowing it to pass harmlessly by him.

"Nice move," she commented, then brought the whip down.

This time the end of the whip split into many electrified tentacles, binding his arms, torso and neck.

"I guess you're not that good after all, now surrender that sword."

The voltage of the electricity increased, causing sparks to fly into the air. D merely tensed his muscles and allowed some of his vampiric energy to disperse his bindings, shocking the woman.

As the last of the bindings were dispersed, she was thrown off balance and landed unceremoniously onto the dirt path. D then kicked his horse into motion and continued on down the road.

"Wait," she cried, as he passed her, "You're a special kind of hunter aren't you, a vampire hunter."

This caught his attention and he stopped his horse, the woman stood and rushed over to him.

"Please sir, don't go, I apologise for attacking you without just cause," she continued, "I had to make certain you weren't a coward like so many of the others."

"If you let me I'd like to hire you, I need someone like you," she sobbed, bringing her hand to her mouth to suppress her whimpers.

"Look," she whispered, turning her head to the side and moving her scarf and hair out of the way.

Upon her neck were a neat set of puncture marks.

"This is where Magnus Lee kissed me," she explained.

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