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"So Lena, have you seen the new guy yet?" Ellie walks up, throwing her bony framed arm over my shoulder. "Word on the street is that he's a senior. A hot senior, a bad boy at that. I'm going to try and make a move." She smirks, throwing her hand on her hip.

"God, El, are you going to drool every time you see a new guy?" I question, and she rolls her eyes. "Besides, it's the first day of junior year, I'm sure we have loads of new people." I shrug, throwing first class' economics book into the locker and slamming it shut. "Shit, I'm going to be late to history, catch ya later!"

 I managed to run up a whole flight of stairs five minutes before the bell rang and somehow I'm still late for class. Hopefully this teacher isn't such a tight ass. 

"You're late." Said the teacher, amusement clear in his voice. He didn't look like any teacher I've ever seen before. He had long black hair that rested on his shoulders, barely streaked with a few strands of silver. His eyes were a bright gray metallic color, and he was dressed in a white T-shirt, with a silky black vest, too tight leather pants and black combat boots rising just above his ankles. He was handsome, for an older guy, but something seemed weird about him. I guess they will give anyone a teaching degree these days.

"Ahem," he cleared his throat, startling me, "you may take the last seat in the back, next to Mr. Black." He shot me a weird look and turned back towards his desk. 

What a freak, I thought. I turned around heading for the back of the room when I caught him glancing up at me and then quickly looking to the ground. This was the new student. He was breath taking, I'm sure my jaw was nearly hanging to the ground. He had tousled ash white hair, it was short, but thick and lustrous. His eyes were icy blue, flecks of silvery light danced through them. His face was strong and defined, a prominent jaw curved ever so gracefully around the strength of his neck. His perfect ripe lips, would be great for kissing. Now, he was staring deep into my eyes. I couldn't help but blush. He had little silver studs in each ear, and let me say, this is the most gorgeous man I have ever seen in my life. He had the kind of face that stopped you dead in your tracks. Just one look and both men and women swooned at the sight of him, no matter their sexual preferences.

"Well, Ms. Graves. Take. The. Seat." The teacher, whose name I still don't know, sneered. Causing my face to  turn a hundred different shades of red. What the hell is his problem with me? I hurried and slung myself into the seat next to the new guy who let out a low chuckle before getting up and walking out of the classroom. I let out a shaky sigh and wished this school year would hurry up and end.


Please let me know what you guys think, and any constructive criticism is welcomed :)

this story will contain mature content, strong language, etc.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2019 ⏰

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