Death note Near (one-shot)

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*so one day i was extremly bored and this idea came out of no where...and i felt like writing it be warned i only just recently fineshed the series but...i wanted to write this..*

Near was sitting in his normal possition. Fineshing yet another puzzle. He twirled his hair using one finger, like he normally does. He had solved the kira case not to long ago and was already working on his third case as "N". He looked around his room. All you could see was mountains of toys people often gave him wierd looks or snide remarks because of his fasination with toys. He didn't mind. He had found his way to hold onto his innocence when he had grown-up to fast. He smiled for the first time in a while. He had fineshed his puzzle.

Near stood up slowly and walked over and grabbed his jacket. He walked out of his room and down the hallway. He arrived in the observation room. Right now him and the other members of the spk were in london. Following up on a bank robbery, that was apparently to "tough" for them to solve. Which annoyed Near since he felt like they were just calling him in because they were lazy. He would have this solved in at least three days. Near looked around and found commander Rester reading a file and looking it over.

"Commander Rester." Near said in his normal monotone voice. Rester blinked and looked slowly towards Near. "Oh hello Near I didn't see you there." He said while stretching. Near saw that Rester had bags under his eyes, and was drinking coffee to stay awake. He knew that since the kira case. No one on his team slept good anymore. Their main goal that they all had decided, since there was a high chance that more notebooks could show up at anytime. Was to keep an eye out for a new kira that could emerge, and take care of the problem immediatly. Near was still a detective though, he had other cases he needed to take care of.

Near walked forward. "You look like you could use some rest, why don't you go lay down? I'm going out but I will return shortly." Rester seemed to agknoledge this slowly. "Are you sure you don't want me to escort you?" Near shook his head. Rester just nodded knowing it would be pointless to start an argument. Besides sleep sounded nice. So he got up and walked over and layed on the couch. Near simply nodded and walked out side. London was unbearably cold at the moment, so near walked to the nearest toy store with a fast pace.

He arrived and walked around, smiling in approval when he found a green and black puzzle it was roughly a thousand peices. He grabbed it and walked to the casheir. He also picked up a new robot along the way. He pulled out money ready to pay, looking up he was surprized to find a pair of green eyes looking at him. The cashier was a little shorter than him, and looked at least around his age. she smiled brightly. Than looked down at what he had set on the desk. She looked shocked for at least a moment, than shrugged slightly. Near looked away dissapointed. Of course she would be shocked.

Suddenly the cashier tapped on his shoulder. Near looked at her with a blank expression. He was completely emotionless. She smiled. "Sorry if i seemed shocked, its just that well I bought the same thing this morning." Near smiled. "Well, it seems we both have great taste." She blushed while putting his things in a bag for him. He smirked and grabbed his things, walking towards the door. She felt kinda sad.

Near looked back at the cashier, still smirking. "Don't worry this won't be the last time you see me." Having said that he left, and kept his word he came back to the store everymorning. Everymorning the cashier was there waiting with a smile on her face.

*... (: this is only a one chapter oneshot, oh and you are the cashier even if you dont have green eyes you magicly do now.. (: in this anyways (: oh and near is seventeen which is the same age he is after the time the series..i think.. so you are either sixteen or seventeen your choice (:

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2014 ⏰

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