Suicidal Thoughts

476 24 15

Killing Myself would just get rid of everything

They call me ugly because I have no meat on my bones

Guys don't want me because I'm not "Thick" enough

I mean I try to gain weight but its just not workin

All the other skiiny girls have boyfriends and I don't

Maybe I'm just not pretty enough

Nobody likes me

I have no friends

No Life....I'm just going to be lonely forever

All people do is say mean things about me everyday

And what do I do about it...NOTHING!

Nothing can be done because no one will ever feel the agony and pain I felt 

Going to school throughout my whole 16 years of life and getting mistreated

Do I deserve to be treated like this?

Maybe I do or maybe I don't

Oh well it really dosen't matter because it will all end soon


                                                                                                      The Lonely Girl

Ps. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem...You have so much to look forward in life...its not worth it

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