THE BEAST Chapter 1

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The Beast was a very strange thing. It had the capability to literally tear a car into pieces, with its massive strength, but still had the understanding of the humans, their ability to feel, and their sense of being human. The Beast, to this day, cannot understand their reluctance and refusal to believe that they could be something more… this is the story of a child that thought that exact thought, wishing for something more. The Beast was not always a Beast…



The Beginnings of the Beast

One day in the suburbs of a large city, long ago, its name unknown, was once thought to be the permanent home of a boy named Theodore. His friends, which were few, were the odd ones of the school. They were, for the most part, self-made outcasts. They were still accepted by the majority of their peers, but weren’t often taken to the highest standard that was given to the “normal” people. Theodore was one of these outcasts. He had outcast friends and knew mostly all of them on a personal level, as well as most of their best-kept secrets. One day, while he was in a math class with Mrs. Badtes, There was a few of Theodore’s friends in the class as well. There was Arnold, a tall, lanky, and very intelligent boy, with very long hair, who was amazingly athletic and had significant physical strength even for a person with a massive build, and when asked about it, he would say that it was genetic. He hid his strength very well, only using it when necessary. Then there was Robert, who was a medium build, with somewhat long hair, who was also, like Arnold, was very tall, lanky, and had surprising strength to his build. He was also very agile for his size, much like Arnold. Theodore, however, was a very heavy child, but not big boned. He had dark brown hair, and a chubby face, but his eyes were not overlapped by the fat in his face, however, he had piercing dark brown eyes that matched his hair completely. He often wore loosely-fitting dark or black shirts with blue jeans. He wore a beat-up pair of grey shoes each day. He often said that his weight was because of his medication for anxiety. He also, today noticed that there was a new girl in his class that day. He had heard that her name was Lenora, and he noticed her very quickly, because, even though this was obviously her first day, she has accumulated a mass of popular followers, and they were all over her gawking at her, and pelting her with questions. Eventually they all left her, because they weren’t getting any answers, because she had her very pretty nose in a book, which was a black color, which was very old, with no title on the cover. When Mrs. Badtes began class, the new girl looked up, and directly at Theodore. He immediately noticed immediately that she was incredibly beautiful. Her face was a golden tan and she had a dainty nose, beautiful blue eyes, and long golden blonde hair. She was wearing a green shirt, and a short sky blue skirt, that matched her eyes. Theodore and Lenora were locked in this stare between each other for what seemed hours, until Lenora looked away. “Whats with her eyes” thought Theodore; they’re amazing…I’ve never seen anything like them.” At the end of class, Theodore noticed that the book was written in some other unknown language. Theodore approached cautiously in the hallway after math class. Theodore’s math class was the last class for the day for him and all of the other students at Robert A. Finklet High School.  Theodore’s school was a very large one, with many windows, and lots of bright lights inside the classrooms and hallways. Theodore thought to himself, “Where did that girl go?” then Theodore decided that he would find her, wherever she was. There was a large wooded area very near the school that Lenora was walking swiftly toward, and just as she was entering, Theodore noticed her because of her pretty golden-blonde hair, shining in the distance. “as he watched her disappear into the woods, he had a strange compulsion to follow her. So Theodore went after Lenora. He entered the woods cautiously, not sure what to expect, and then he saw her. She, to his disbelief, was literally hovering in the air less than twenty yards away from him, her gracefully arching back facing him. Then, just as Theodore had been standing there for a few seconds, her entire body became completely rigid, her dainty hands instantly forming fists, with the blue veins of her hands becoming visible, even against her golden tan skin. Theodore had the opportunity to hide, but he didn’t take it. He just stood there in awe of the girl hovering above the ground, with all of her beautiful features, in spite of her sudden rage. She whirled quickly around, sending a shock wave of air spinning around her, and buffeting the trees and bushes of the woods, knocking Theodore into a tree. He recovered swiftly, and was looking into the beautiful face of Lenora, still hovering above the ground a few feet away from him, her blue eyes burning with ferocity and hatred, but then softened. She managed a faint smile, and was, almost instantaneously, directly beside him. As Theodore gathered his bearings and returned to his full state of awareness, he noticed that the sun was setting, and that he had been there for at least an hour, if not more. Then he noticed Lenora sitting beside him, just out of arms each, reclining against the trunk of a large oak tree. She was talking in a barely audible tone, which appeared to be a different language, and Theodore sat there, entranced by the most beautiful sound he had ever heard. He looked over at her and she caught his gaze and they were locked in the same longing stare of almost infinite emotions and feelings, weaved in to their temporarily joined minds. Then he noticed that her eyes had many different colors to them, as they reflected the setting suns final rays. Then at the very second that the gaze was broken, she vanished completely, leaving nothing behind.



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