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Pinkamena is walking around Ponyville and sees the remains of the bodies of the ponies she killed. Pinkamena laughs out loud as she realizes she just destroyed everypony. Then we go to the Factory as Dashie is also laughing looking at her dead ponies bodies. Rainbow Dash says "Work well done. Now package up and let's get ready for tomorrow." Pinkamena walks to the Cupcake Corner and walks in. Pinkamena sits down and hears a boom up above as we see one of Dashie's assistants broke something and Dash says "You sorry excuse for a assistant. Get rid of him." The assistant pleds to stay as two other assistants remove him and kill him off. Rainbow Dash laughs continuely as we fade to black.

Pinkamena meets The Rainbow FactoryWhere stories live. Discover now