12.what a night pt1

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Leo POV~~~~
Me and Mikey have been together for 11 months now and it's new years eve and I can't wait to surprise him tonight! Don and Raph know and so does master splinter
Plus April and Casey. Raph sometimes teases me and make but he's just being Playful, "to Leo where's your Mikey boo" Raph laughed teasing me
Real mature Raphael I said rolling my eyes "oh Leo! " Mikey yelled yeah Mikey I yelled back "I have a surprise for you! " he giggled in joy, I wonder what it is I laughed I walked in the kitchen and Mikey had made a two plates of pancakes and waffles with flowers and fruit center piece I was speechless oh Mikey this is amazing "well nothings to good for my leo"
He said a light blush filled up my cheeks thanks again Mikey for this breakfast "no problem babe"he said

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