Chapter one| Average day

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I woke up, grabbed my phone and freaked out. It was 7:45! I immediately got up and threw on my black cutout hoodie with my denim skinny jeans and black converse. I quickly ran a brush through my knotted up hair. I seen my mom and said good morning and ran out the door . Surprisingly enough Sophia was waiting for me in her sleek black Chevy truck. I hopped in and out of nowhere she starts shaking my shoulders.

Me: "WTF WHAT DO YOU WANT!" *giggle giggle*

Sophia : "Guess what!!!"

Me: "if you think I knew would I seriously say what?"

Sophia: "umm good news."

Me: "spill it chick"

Sophia: "Jake asked me out yes you heard me right Jake did"

Me: "how did the most popular guy in school ask you out? No offense though"

Sophia: "Well gee thanks, but yes he asked me out I'm so fucking excited! He wants to take me to that new ethnic food type restaurant."

Me: "Well thanks for dropping me off ."

Sophia "Did you just say thank you?"

Me: "Yea, yea I know I don't normally say it just don't get used to k."

So she went to her first class which is algebra haha ducks for her. I, however have science first hour, my favorite subject since I was like born.
I honestly don't know why I like it so much. I look in the room and I see him the complete incarnation of Satan Damien. Which his name name is even another name for Satan how convieniet. I sit down at my usual spot the back seat of the classroom . Mr Ryder walks in as

e usually does with his little strut thing he's got going on. For the rest of the class I did not pay attention at all. Bad Huh? The rest of my classes went by pretty fast. After school I met up with Sophia at her usual parking spot, front of the school, she likes to show her truck off. On the freaking long ride home, I live way out in the country, she will not shut up about Jake asking her out, I don't really know what she sees in him, anyway.
Me: "Omg shut your trap about Jake already!"

Sophia: "Is someone, dare I say jealous?"

Me "Never in a million years would I want that thing."

Sophia "Alright Gabby but I do know who you like."

What is she talking about I don't like anyone!

Me: "What do you mean who I like I don't like anyone."

She just completely changes the subject and won't tell me god she really can be a bitch sometime.
Well I'm finally home. I guess if you wanted to you could say I kinda live alone. Well I mean my mom works these really late hours but Yea.
I throw on my favorite black sweats and my oversized P!ATD [Panic!At The Disc] sweatshirt.
After I changed I went downstairs and got an apple and some chips. I sat down on the couch and turned on The Notebook I have watched that movie numerous times. The movie ended how it normally does me crying like a baby. I went upstairs and just sat on my bed. I sat there and just played with this ball I found under my bed, says how much I clean under my bed. Anyways I looked at my phone, 10:46 p.m.

"Dammit I need to go to bed or I'm going to wake up late AGAIN."

So I layed down in my warm and comfy bed and tossed and turned until I started to drift off to sleep.

Thank you for reading I know this is only the first chapter but it will get better I promise. This is my first story and I know I'm going to look back and hardcore cringe at this but whatever lol sorry for any grammar mistakes I'm not the grammar queen so Yea byeeee


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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