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Since you can clearly read, I would like to introduce myself.  My name is Casper Fault, a presumably regular seventeen year old boy.  I had a couple friends, none of them I would consider special, but, they are all I got.  You're probably wondering, 'Hey when is the story going to happen!' or 'You're so boring, what kind of main character-'  Let me stop you there, because the past seventeen years have been smooth currents.  Normal life, a boring and uninteresting one, but it was still a life.  You see, I've been dubbed 'Casper the Ghost' at my school.  I just kind of float around, nothing much.

So, imagine yourself as a Casper, a nobody basically.  Imagine walking to your homeroom class, and you see the seating chart.  This is how usually I start my first day of school.  As per usual, I would take my seat as where my name was.  I look around, examine the people around me.  Looking around, I am seated next to an empty seat on my left, a window on my right, an honor roll student in front, and a stoner at my back.  It was fine, right?  I was going to get out of here alive, like every other year.  The seating charts never mattered since I was almost always moved to the back after the first few weeks were over anyways. 

I kept reassuring myself until that girl walked in the room.  She was a new student, a transfer from out of state.  I could already tell she was going to be popular, the way she beamed at the class and confidently introduced herself.  She was stunning, she shined like the sun, her smile was contagious.  The room lit up.  Everyone sat straighter, paid more attention as they heard the clicking of her shoes enter the room.

Everyone was in love with her in an instant.  I wasn't.  She seemed...too perfect.  And lord, I was right.  Our homeroom teacher, Mr. Mitch, also known as McBitch, placed the most stunning girl in the room, to the left empty desk.  As she sat down, she looked over at me with a smile, and that was the last time I ever saw that girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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