Hello Yearlets! I'm the newest admin on the Century team. You can call me Heather. I am a fourteen year old girl who loves to read, write, and draw! Lemme tell you a little more about myself.
• Well, my real name is Alyssa but call me Heather.
• I am a fourteen year old girl.
• I love the warrior series!
• Warning that I am a metalhead. My favorite bands are Suicide Silence, Parkway Drive, and In This Moment. If you don't like screamo music I suggest you don't look them up 🙈🙊
• Favorite warriors are Ravenpaw, Longtail, and Bluestar. Anyone else?
• Favorite color is a maroon. Actually dyeing my hair that color soon 😜
• Aaaaannnd my OC warrior is Pheasantcall. She is a reddish / brown she-cat with a white spot on her chest and white paws with green eyes.
That's about it! You may ask me any questions if you wish.
Meet the Admins
De TodoGet a chance to learn about the CenturyTeam! We will have posts about what it is like to be an admin of WarriorsOfTheCentury. Cover by: @rosellecrowns