Chapter Seven

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We sprang at the intruder and he was taken aback, he quickly noticed what was going on and began to shoot all over the place hoping to hit one of us. And he did, and he had hit Riley and once Riley was down he ran away taking nothing from the bedroom. I could hear him tromping down the stairs, and once he got down their I heard rattling and then the door slamming, 'this can't be happening.' I thought. 'this is just a dream, c'mon Kendall! Wake up! C'mon!'

"K-Kendall?" Riley looked up at me with such scared and shaken eyes.

"Yes Riley?" I replied my voice shaking.

"Am-am I g-gunna d-die?" He asked stuttering and trying to hold back tears.

"No Riley your not going to die, nor will I let you." I whispered.

"Y-you should go call an am-ambulance." He mumbled.

"You still have your cellphone right?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, front pocket." He replied weakly pointing to his left front pocket.

"Good, try and get it out of your pocket will I go and get something to stop the bleeding, okay Riley?" I whispered.

"Ok-okay K-Kendall." He stuttered again trying to hold back the tears that were in his eyes.

I kissed him gently on the forehead before heading off to go and get something to stop Riley from bleeding like a stuffed pig. I shivered at the thought of coming back to Riley, but when I came back he was dead, I pushed the thought out of my mind right away. ' I don't need or want to think about that right now. Right now I need to get something to help Riley, I do not want to lose two people almost in the same day. When I reached the bathroom that was around the corner I automatically grabbed for the nearest towel and booked it back to Riley. When I got there he had gotten his phone out of his pocket, but I could tell his breathing was getting slower, I quickly wrapped the bandage tight enough around the wound to hopefully stop the bleeding temporarily. I grabbed his phone from his hand and quickly dialed 911, I knew if I didn't dial faster he might die.

"Hello?" The voice asked.

"Hello this is Kendall Carrier and I am at 4556 courtnest ave. My friend has just been shot by a robber and the robber has left with some of our stuff. Please get the ambulance and the police here immediately!" I said.

"Okay, son, I'll send out some police officers and an ambulance on the way, just stay on the phone until they get there." The voice replied.

I walked back over to Riley with the phone in hand keeping the call going, I put his head into my lap and sighed quietly and watched out the window waiting for the ambulance and police to come. Finally, moments later the ambulance and police had arrived, The paramedics rushed in and got Riley straight onto the stretcher and rolled him out. I walked beside Riley holding his hand until we had arrived at the ambulance, which then I had to let go and I told him I loved him and that as soon as he was stable I'd visit him. He gave a small smile as he was lifted up into the back of the ambulance, and I gave a small smile back, and I watched as they closed the back doors in front of him.

I walked over to his porch and sat down, right away one of the police officers nearby walked over and started to ask me questions. I answered them all while watching the ambulance drive away 'If I lose you Riley, I'll keep living for you and always keep you in my heart.' I thought. Once I was done answering the police officers questions he waved me away and told me to go elsewhere for the time being. I pulled my cellphone out and called Jessica, and of course Jessica being Jessica, she answered on the first ring.

"Hey babe." She said.

"Cut it out Jessica, I need a favor." I replied.

"What kind of favor?" She asked.

"Do you mind if I stay at your place for a while?" I answered.

"Sure, but why? I thought you were staying with Riley." She said.

"Listen, a few moments ago Riley's house got broken into and robbed, I mean he got shot and is his way to the hospital right now. Please Jess, I'm begging you I have nowhere else to go right now." I replied.

"Okay, okay, I'll come and get you right now alright?" She said.

"Alright Jess, see you in a few minutes then." I replied.

A few moments later Jessica was in front of Riley's house waiting for me to get into the car, I gave one last look at the house and then got in. I let out a small sigh and put on my seat belt, and Jessica started the car right away to drive away from the house where the horrible incident had happened. I didn't even make an attempt to look at Jessica, I just looked out the window the whole time, I was too upset and I just didn't want to do anything.

"Kendall?" Jessica asked.

"What do you want?" I replied angrily.

"Kendall calm down, Riley is going to be okay." Jessica whispered in a reassuring tone.

"How can you be so sure? Maybe he could die on the way there or even die on the way into the hospital." I replied still angry.

"Kendall, please calm down." Jessica whispered, gently rubbing one of her free hands on my shoulder.

I didn't say anything and just slumped over closer to the door, I couldn't deal with this right now especially when there was the chance the love of your life might die because of some asshole of a robber. I could feel tears streaming down my face, but at least now I was somewhat calm, I let out a small sigh and looked over at Jessica, I felt like I had hurt her. I sat up straight in my seat and just starred at her for a while until she turned to look at me for a brief moment.

"Jessica, I'm sorry." I whispered.

"It's okay Kendall, it's understandable, I would be the same way if I had someone got through that and had a high possibility of dying." She replied.

Soon enough  we were at her house, I slowly got out of the car and then went around to get her door for her and she appreciated it. We walked hand in hand up to the door, once we got to the door I let her hand free so she could open the door and once it was open she lead me inside. She hung up her coat near the door and I had done the same, she took my hand once again and lead me over to the living room and the first thing she did was click on the news. We curled up on the couch and watched the news for a while, and nothing interesting was seemed to be talked about so we watched some cartoons. I mean we all have our childish side right? Even if we're teenagers or adults, we just got to have out good old cartoons.

After about an hour or so we changed it back to the news and finally they were talking about something interesting, something about this Rob Ford guy in Toronto and how he was smoked crack and is an alcoholic and stuff. Just after that story was done another one was told right away, and it was about a crash with some kid going to the hospital after being shot "Turn it up." I said to Jessica. She grabbed the remote and turned it up.

"A kid name Riley, his last name is unknown all we know is that his name is Riley, was in a crash with an on coming truck. Everyone survived in the crash except poor little Riley, and he was just on his way to the hospital after being shot by a robber who had robbed his house a few minutes before hand. Our condolences go out to his parents and his friend Kendall Carrier, I am sorry for your lose guys, may he rest in piece." The reporter shut up and started on a whole different story.

"Jessica t-turn it off." I said trough tears.

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