Though it is not Him whom I Love!

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Is it wrong of me to want him to take my hand into his own? Though I do not love him.
Is it wrong of me to want to hold him? Though I do not love him.
Is it wrong of me to cherish his smile and the look in his eyes? Though I do not love him.
Is it wrong of me to hold onto his voice and his words like to an anchor, much like to a life saver? Though I know I do not love him.
Is it wrong of me to have the desire to love him? Though I do not love him.
Should I simply break his heart and my own in breaking his? Though I do not love him.
Is it wrong of me to hold onto the butterflies? Though I do not love him
Is it wrong of me to hold onto every part of him, every smile, every look, and every laugh? Though it is not him whom I love.
Is it wrong of me to see the one I love in him and love that part of him? Though it is not him whom I love.
Is it wrong of me to hold on so fiercely for the sake of feeling whole and avoiding the hollow hole in my chest from festering? Though I do not love him.
Is it wrong of me to want him to love me and look at no one else but me? Though I do not love him.

Does that make me a monster?
Or simply Human?

Written by Veronica Taryanik

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