The student; A poem about myself.

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Another author's note- This poem is about...... Myself. If you don't understand how, please comment and ask. And I'll go ahead and tell you, The narrator is talking about me. 

The Student. 

When I first met her,

We were here, in this place.

Her mind was keen on knowledge,

and joy lit up her face. 

With her eyes of blue, 

she would pour over books,

and when she thought I wasn't looking,

She would give me looks. 

Looks of lust for my wisdom, 

to ask me questions of a world,

a world she had not seen,

as the thoughts in her eyes swirled. 

Those eyes of gray and blue, 

" Ocean eyes" As my father would say. 

with silver ripples in them that shone, 

like the ocean on a stormy day. 

They craved to know, those eyes, 

and to learn, they where needy, 

I thought her all thing things I knew, 

but in her knowledge, She was greedy. 

The last time I saw her, 

She was here, In our place. 

She had learned all I had to teach, 

and the joy was but an echo on her face. 

She smiled at me, 

But her eyes shouted " Crime!" 

Over and over, as she shook my hand, 

and thanked me for my time.

I saw my own intelligence,

reflected in her mind, 

and collected in her mouth.

and I knew she would leave me behind. 

We looked at one another, 

She turned away. 

"Wait!," I cried, " Don't go!"

and I started begging her to stay. 

She turned back to me, 

and for a moment, I thought she would listen, 

But I knew she craved more information, 

as her eyes began to glisten. 

She hugged me, 

and I dried her tears, 

from those beautiful eyes, 

I took for granted, all of those years. 

And I knew the answer, 

far before I saw her quivering lips grieve, 

And the tears spilled over their brims,

as she said she had to leave. 

She kissed me gently, then withdrew, 

With her head held high. 

and to me she said not another word, 

for that was her last goodbye. 

And that's the last I saw of her, 

as she left me that day, as a ghost, 

of the only person I every really knew, 

or the student who taught me the most.


There is more where that's coming from. I'll upload as soon as possible. 

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