Kyles House

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*Jaycees P.O.V*

It's the end of the day and Jace found a toy, leaving me to walk home. I don't mind, were The Pierce Twins, it's what we do. I started walking when a car pulled up beside me. I looked over to see none other than Kyle, "Come on, Ill take you home." Crap. I wasn't planning on going home. "Uhh sure but I'm not going home." I said then hoped in this red sports car. How cliche. "Where to?" He asked. "Idk, Jace has a girl over do is rather not be there." I sighed. "Oh yeah huh. I keep forgetting the man whore is your brother." he muttered under his breath. "Excuse me? Were twins and were exactly the same! I'm just as bad as him! Don't start dissing my brother!" I shouted. "Ok! I'm sorry it slipped. Wanna go to my place since you don't know where to go? my parents aren't home." He rushed. "Yeah but you pissed me off" I mumbled.

In a couple of minutes, we were outside of Kyles house. "Wow, your house is fucking huge. Damn, were are your par-" "shut up" he cut me off taking off his seatbelt. I did the same as I said, "Make me" He looked at me and in 3 seconds, he was on top of me, straddling me. "Stubborn little girl, aren't you?" he whispered before pressing his lips on mine. I moaned as he shoved his tongue in my mouth and gripped my hair in his hands. He pulled away proudly. "I shut you up" he smiled. "No no no babe, I was moaning LOUDLY making NOISE!" I smirked. He growled and pulled me out of his car and into his house.

"Let's see how loud you can moan" he said sexily as he pushed me roughly on his bed. "Really loud but I don't think you can make me moan as loud as your cousin did member?" I tempted. Dylan was his cousin and we dated before he moved, then so became heartbreaker, blah blah blah. (read the prologue). He growled and pulled my shirt over my head, leaving me in a tank top and shorts. "Really?" he sighed. I laughed and walked over to him.

I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and pulled him closer to me. I closed the gap between our lips and my hands slid down to the bottom of his shirt. I pulled it off him, barley breaking our kiss. He backed us up into the wall and motioned me to jump and wrap my legs around him. I did that and shoved my tongue around his mouth. Our lips moved in sync until someone barged through his door. "Yo! Ky what's goi- Woah sorry. Wait Jaycee?" Dylan's eyes were full of different emotions. Sadness, anger, lust and jealousy. I jumped down from Kyle and he looked around for his shirt which was nowhere to be found. Oh well. "Uhh hey Dyl, how ya been?" Kyle asked awkwardly while scratching the back of his neck. "Good I guess. Ill cone back later" He spat. "No.. uh I was just leaving, Jace should be done." I said and grabbed my shirt before walking out. "I see your brothers still the sane" Dylan scoffs. "You shouldn't have done that.." Kyle said. "What's she gonna-" He was cut off by me. I grabbed Dylan's arm and pulled him to me, but I moved and left my foot there. He slightly tripped but I pulled his arm harder, flipping him into his back. I smirked and put my shirt back on. "Come on Jay, stay please!" Kyle begged. "Fine" I sighed and we walked to his living room, followed my a limping Dylan. We sat on the couch and put on Pitch Perfect. Just to annoy Dylan, I cuddled against Kyle.

The movie was soon over and Kyle fell asleep, still shirtless. I put a blanket over us and closed my eyes. "Jaycee, lets talk." Dylan said getting up. "Ok" I put the blanket on Kyle and followed Dylan into Kys room. When we were upstairs Dylan lightly shut the door before pinning me against the wall with his hand on my mouth. Damn I'm turned on.

"Why Jaycee. Why? Whyd you go for my cousin? I've heard about you. Your a heartbreaker. Everyone wants you. I want you. I NEED you." He murmured in my ear. He took his hand off my mouth and rested his head in between my neck.

"Well I want....."I whispered in his ear. "Kyle" I finished and pushed him on the floor.

I walked out of the room only to find Kyle walking towards me. He stopped and he looked hurt. Whaaaat? I turned around and saw a shirtless Dylan smirking with his hair slightly messed up. Shit this looks bad. Oh well.

"Wow" Kyle whispered and turned around, walking to the kitchen. UghI don't wanna be here.

I called Jace and he answered in the first ring. "HEEEEEEYYYYY" he said. "Hey J, can you come pick me up? I'm at Kyles house." I groaned "yeah yeah sure" he said and hung up.

"Your leaving already?" Kyle asked in dis belief. "Uh yeah sorry, Jace said there's a fight in like 2 hours so I gotta get ready" I heard a car honk and I ran outside without saying goodbye.

"Wow that was fast" I chuckled. "Eh I was in the neighborhood" my twin brother smirked and sped away.


Short chappie sorry XD

Love you guys!


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