641 29 23

By: Yasmin




Why would you even ......

Why would you even say I don't deserve any respect coz of my skin color?

Why would you even say I don't deserve any respect coz of my religion?

Why would you even say I don't deserve any respect coz of my nationality?

Do you even know how much it hurts seeing people who always judge you for who you are?

Do you even know the feelings?

I know you wouldn't ever wish to be standing where I am right now

And you don't even know the feeling I'm getting right now

Imagine if u were me

imagine if you get to be treated like how your treating me now..

Would you be happy with it?


We all are the same

We all are what we are meant to be

We can't choose how we want to look like

We didn't decide how to look like before we were born

We can't change who we are

We can't be what we want

We can't change our selves

Coz we are who we are

Yes, we are who we are, and we can never change into something that we want to be

People stop hating and start loving it too much to ask for?

Stop hating and start living like a love blossom it too much to ask for?

Imagine how the world will look like......... if we only stop being a racist

Imagine how the world will change.........if we only stop being a racist

Imagine how the world will be beautiful more than your expectations.....if we only stop being a racist

Imagine how people will start loving each other..........if we only stop being a racist

Imagine how people will smile one to another......if we only stop being a racist

Can we change?

Can we not be a racist?

Can we start loving every single thing in this world?

Why racism?

We can delete the word of racism in the dictionary if we want

We can believe that the word racism never existed

We are who we are

Black, white, brown is US only US

We are the same

We all are humans who can never change into something we wish or want

We are meant to be who we are

And be proud of yourself

Your beautiful ..inside and outside

We should believe in our Selves

Be happy with your life

Stop racism





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