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"Bubbly" by Colbie Caillat was currently on the radio as I drove to work in my 1992 VW Jetta. It was just a five minute drive down the hill so I pulled into the parking lot as the last verse played through my speakers. Then I noticed his car parked right in front of me that's the first time that I actually got that song and knew that it was going to be stuck in my head all night. I groaned as I realized this then looked at the time on my iPhone and the notifications from my calendar that it was time to go inside with the notion that nothing was wrong.

As soon as I closed my door however that was easier said than done because he decided to exit his vehicle the same time. I desperately wanted to grasp his hand tightly and walk in with our fingers laced together. My reality however was walking as fast as I can without actually running into the building and up the stairs. I slid onto the couch just as the door downstairs reopened with a minute delay he reappeared in my line of sight.

His cheeks were pink while his sweaty hair stuck to him. He sat down in the chair closest to me, "You walk quite fast."

"I know." I replied while watching his chest gradually slowed down his short run a minute ago.

He arched an eyebrow, "So you weren't running away from me?"

I let out a short snort while turning my attention back to my phone finally reading the group chat I was in. My friends were discussing if we had a theme song, what would it be, in addition to us going to see a movie later. Finally it was five till otherwise known as the earliest that you can clock on so once again just ran away.

I made it downstairs in addition to receiving my work assignments all the while taking the most routes to avoid him as possible. My plan was going quite well until it was time to go to break at which time I had to track him down. I tried to put it off for as long as possible however the time has come for me to face him. Believe me when I say that the butterflies started when I caught sight of his back.

I announced my presence, "I'm going to break before you leave tonight. Here's the keys."

I bolted again so I didn't hear what he replied. All I heard was that darn Colbie Caillat song playing again in addition to my heart thumping loudly in my chest. The majority of my break was me texting my freak out to my best girl friend, Tara.

Oh my God!! I am in so much trouble!

Why? What's going on

I've just realized that I have a crush on Nicholas. Oh God! I cannot like him. What am I going to?

Calm down, babe. I'm glad you've finally admitted it at lest

I rolled my eyes at her before replying, Have I been unintentionally flirting? Ahh! Now I'm really freaking out. Does he know then?

I don't know if he knows you like him but I've watched the two of you. I think he might have a crush on you too.

Really? Well, my break is over so I'll talk to you later. Love you❤️

Have fun with Nick😏 love you too, boo

I let out another groan before going to find Nick so he could go home. I found him folding my towels incorrectly. We exchanged keys and goodbyes before I got to watch him walk away. Mentally I cursed myself out for allowing myself to watch him but I couldn't help it. He is just so darn bewitching.

After work I gave a coworker a ride home so I didn't play my radio. However as I drove myself home I turned the radio back on only to hear Colbie Caillat sing about being bubbly again. I begin to think that a theme was starting so after I changed my clothes at home, I picked up my best guy friend from his house and let him in on what happened that day.

"I'm serious! I cannot escape that infernal song!" I complained.

Trey laughed at me, "Well, I think it's great you found someone that you want to date though. I just find it funny that you think a song is like following you are something."

"I'm glad that my current situation is so hilarious to you." I spat sarcastically as I stopped at a red light.

He inhaled a long drag of his cigarette before he responded, "Look, I just think that it's great that you found someone that you care deeply about. Are you going to tell him?"

I passed ten blocks furthermore I parked us in the cinema lot. I took my time shutting my car off before I turned my interior lights on so he could see me clearly. "Do you see what I look like? I am nothing, lower than the sewage. Why would I tell him? He's wonderfully gorgeous and I'm ugly me."

Trey finished his cigarette while he studied my face, "You're way to harsh on yourself, you know that. You're adorable."

"You're my best friend! Of course you're going to say that!"

"Doesn't make it not true!" He argued before both our phones alerted us of a new message.

Our other friends had finally arrived so we all met on the sidewalk to exchange greetings before heading inside. Normally I would join Garret in getting a large amount of junk food from the concession stand however with my new crush on my mind, I opted for just ice water and a soft pretzel. Trey looked at me sideways but the rest of the crew just let it be. Luckily enough we were the only ones in for the midnight movie so we split off in our favorite spots. Thomas and Carrie sat in the middle of the back, Garret stretched out across two chairs in the center, while I propped my feet up on the rail separating the next row of chairs. Trey sat four seats up from me so I tried my best to make myself as small as possible.

Two hours later, we emerged from the cinema to go to the only twenty-four hour restaurant in our town, Shari's. As Trey didn't care for the food and I was still harping on my weight, we didn't indulge ourselves as the others did. We did however play a round of Munchkin and Cards Against Humanity before I drove the both of us home. Thankfully it was four in the morning so he didn't talk to me during that ride.

I tried to sleep as soon as my head hit my pillow but I just couldn't. Every time my eyes closed, I pictured Nick's face as clear as day staring at me. Finally at around nine am as I cuddled my extra pillow, exhaustion over took my body and I fell into a restless sleep. I woke up even more tired than before I went to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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