3. Andrew Watson's Rage.

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I was frozen to the spot. My mouth was hanging open, my heart was beating furiously and I was shaking uncontrollably. Still I couldn't move. As I watched, the shadow slowly moved away.

I took a deep breath and let it out. I gathered up all the courage I had and opened the door. Nothing. There was no one inside. But then, I saw it lying there on the floor beside my feet,'The Life Of Andrew Watson'. "That's it." I thought to myself. "I've had enough".

I bent down and picked up the book, opened a page at random and put my force to tear it in half. I'd rather fat rid of the book and have a peaceful night than worry about it all the time. I was also willing to pay the library fee. I just couldn't handle this nonsense anymore.

But the thing was I couldn't tear it at all. It was suddenly as hard as a rock. Fuming with anger, I slammed it hard on my desk, grabbed a pair of scissors and tried cutting a page. Nope. Useless. I couldn't make a single cut on the page. I threw the scissor away, grabbed the book too and flung it in a corner. It was still unharmed. I realised I've been breathing heavily, so I just sat on the chair and took slow breaths.

As expected, I couldn't sleep that night. For about 2 hours, I was just twisting and turning on my bed. Then the power went off again and I could hear only the tick tock of the clock and the heavy winds causing a racket outside.

Again, I turned on my side and tried to clear my head of weird thoughts when I heard something. Footsteps. Coming towards my bed. Yes, I was pretty sure they were footsteps. I pulled the covers all over me. I couldn't bear to look at this person. I was clutching the covers tightly. My hands were sweating and I could hear my rapid heartbeat.

And then the footsteps stopped. Right beside my bed but I was still not going to move. It began to rain outside. And suddenly I screamed out loud at the top of my lungs, loud enough for the whole house to hear and I was still screaming until my throat could take no more.

Something huge and heavy had fallen on me. So heavy that I couldn't move and my whole body was hurting badly. And slowly, that was gone too. The whole weight was lifted off my body and I sat up, panting, sweating, still clutching my covers.

With all the courage I could muster, I scanned the room twice to find- nothing at all. I sighed. I'm totally going insane. I wondered why mom didn't come to check on me, I did scream, didn't I? My throat still hurt so maybe I did scream.

But what I saw after that practically stopped my heart. I wanted to scream but I couldn't get myself to to it. I couldn't move I could barely breath. I could make no noise at all. There was someone there. Someone sitting on my chair. But I couldn't make out who it was, just the silhouette.

It was thundering and lightening outside. And through the lightening I could make out the little details about this man. He was wearing a suit, but it was really dirty and torn. He was barefoot. Whatever part of skin I could see was a bluish black color. He was sitting with his hands on his thighs and looking downwards. His hair was a mess but I couldn't see his face.

And as if he could hear my thoughts, he slowly turned his face towards me without moving an inch of the rest of his body. And what his face was, I don't want to describe. Just one look at his face and I squeezed my eyes shut. My heart was hammering so hard inside that I could hear it over the fierce rain and thunders outside.

And then I heard a voice. A really horrible and loud voice inside my head. So loud, that I clutched my head to stop it from exploding. Even my ears felt like they'd burst.

"You've made a mistake, girl, by trying to destroy me. Bit I'm here to kill you anyways. The more I kill, the more I become alive." He said the last word with emphasis and began laughing loudly.

And I started screaming cause my head was throbbing like hell and my ears began bleeding. My hands were covered with my own blood. I dared a look at him and he suddenly grabbed my arm.

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