Chapter Fifteen

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Gajeel watched helplessly as Levy wrapped her arms around herself, falling to the ground. She looked like she was in so much pain that he was afraid to even touch her—fearing he might end up hurting her more. “Levy, what's happening?” Her answer was nothing but an agonized scream. “Makarov,” Gajeel said, looking at the old man, “what the hell is happening to her?!”

“If I had to guess, I'd say that Himiko has indeed been suppressing Levy's memories, and she just released them all at once.”

“We need to get her to Porlyuska's quickly. She will be able to help with the pain.” As the master spoke, Levy's body grew still, and her cries suddenly stopped.

“Levy!” Gajeel shouted, shaking her.

“She's fainted. Come. Pick her up gently and let's hurry to Porlyuska's.” They made it there quickly, Gajeel hesitantly setting Levy on the bed for Porlyuska to examine.

“What have you done this time, Makarov?” Porlyuska snapped, brushing them aside in order to examine Levy.

“Someone has been controlling Levy,” the master explained, “and her memories from the last two weeks have been blocked. We were bringing her to you when she seemed to be suddenly in a lot of pain.”

“That's a lot of memories to get back all at once,” the woman frowned, sticking Levy in the arm with a syringe filled with a clear liquid. Gajeel started towards her, angrily, when Levy cried out. “Don't get worked up,” she snapped, “this will get rid of some of her pain. She's still going to be in a lot of pain when she wakes up, and I'm not just talking about physically. Her memories were locked away for a reason, so it can't be anything good. Now, everyone out so she can rest. I'm sick of looking at you.”

“I'm not leaving,” Gajeel told the woman, daring her to try and make him leave.

“Do whatever you want,” she huffed, leaving the room with Makarov.

“Damn it, Levy, you'd better be alright.”


As soon as consciousness began to return to Levy, so did her memories...and the pain. She screamed, unable to stand the intensity with which it assaulted her again. She was sucked into the memories, reliving everything she had done in the passed two weeks in a matter of seconds.

~~~It was as though she were watching everything that happened from the outside. It was strange, being in her body, but having no control over it. She was running with Himiko through the trees. She could still hear Gajeel's curse of frustration in the distance, but she couldn't turn around. Her legs continued forward, stopping only when they had reached a small house located in a strange town. Levy wondered where they were, but her question was quickly answered.

“This is our newest guild member,” Hano told the crowd of people—mostly woman—when the doors had closed behind her and Himiko. “She was a Fairy Tail wizard, so I'm sure she'll be very useful.”~~~

Levy's mind jumped forward, going to another small town.

~~~Levy had just crept past the guards, slipping inside undetected. She had been sent to the main office building of the council by Himiko to steal some sort of documents. She didn't know what they were, but Himiko was directing her, so it didn't really matter if she knew or not. It had been four days since Himiko had taken over her body, and Levy had been struggling uselessly against her grasp every chance she got. Right now was one of those moments. She knew what she was doing was bad, but her body refused to listen.~~~

Melting an Iron Heart [Gale] {The Fairy Tail Love Chronicles; Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now