Chapter 12

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( Ella's p.o.v )

I was ready to go out for breakfast and then go to Harry's parents for the day because that's where we were going for the day because that's the reason Harry brought me to Guernsey to meet his parents because whenever he was on Face Time with his sister or his brother or even sometimes his parents he always came into my room because he didn't want the others bothering him and they always asked him where he was and he always used to say that he was in Ella's room and then they would always ask where I was and then Harry would look up at me. I would always be able to see him in the reflection of my screen and then he would give me the eyes that means you don't have to come over if you don't want to because i know your busy. I then go and sit down next to Harry and they always say that im amazing and that I look after Harry well (that makes me sound like I mother him but I don't they just mean that if Harry ever needs to talk to anyone or he needs a quite place to go he always knows that my rooms always free for him to come to). We went down to the bottom floor of the hotel and I saw Ethan sat their on his own so i ran up behind him and shouted "Behzzz" in his ear then gave him a hug. Ethan turned round and said to the other two " Someones a happy bunny today 😂😂" we set off for a place called Bills and we had some amazing breakfast and then we were on the way to Harry's parents and then while we were walking to the house their was a voice behind us that said " Harry Lewis? I haven't seen you in ages man how have you been" Harry turned round and it was his best friend of 16 years who he only see's when he comes back to Guernsey and i know this also because Harry told me about him and he must have told Lewis (his best friend) about me because he then said well this must be the lovely Ella and i smiled at him and shook his hand then Harry hugged his friend and told him that he would phone him later and they could catch up one day when we are here next . We reached Harry's parents house and he phoned his brother Josh and told him to try and get all the family in one room and close the door and then come open the door for me and Harry and then we would go and surprise them all. A few moments later Josh ( Harry's Brother ) came to the door and let us in and told us that the family were in the sitting room so Harry told us to go into the kitchen and just wait and Josh let his parents and his sister Rosie out of the living room. About two minutes later Harry's sister came into the kitchen to get a drink and she saw me and Harry and she screamed and ran up to me and gave me a huge hug and Harry just moved away then before I know it Harry's parents are in the kitchen also but instead of hugging me they are hugging their son ( Harry ) and then they come over to me and Harry and his sister leave me and their parents in the kitchen and they were really nice to me they were asking me about my life and how I feel about being the only girl in a house with 9 boys. I told them that I didn't really mind because all of they boys look out for me and if im ever having any problems I can always go and talk to one of them and it was usually Harry, Simon or JJ because I feel like they have been their for me through everything but so have the others and that's why it never feels awkward between us all because i know that they are always their if i need them and they always know that im their if they ever need me. Harry's parents were so surprised when I told them about the story about my parents and said that they were always here if I needed someone to talk to other than Harry and the boys. A moment later Harry came bounding into the kitchen and told me that we were going to film a video together while we were at his parents house and it was going to be with his parents if that was  okay with them and me I said it was fine and Harry's parents also agreed. It was a FIFA video because Harry said that i should know how to do what we were doing because he had made me do loads with him and i used to watch him while he did them as well. At that point I knew that he was going to make me do my own draft again because he made me do it before and I really enjoyed it and according to Harry I had made a really good draft as well he said and then we all got shouted into the living room. Harry said that Me and his mum were going to be on the same team and Him and his dad were going to be on the same team and that Me and Harry could only choose one player when their parents said and we were going to make a draft and whoever got the  lowest draft score would get egged and then cream put over them and then get wet by the garden hose and me and Harry's mum just looked at each other and I knew that we had to win. Harry did his intro for the video and then we got on with it .

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