She's gone

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Spencer's POV
I wake up tied to a chair. I try to scream but I couldn't, my mouth was duck taped close. Apparently A.D. wasn't an experienced kidnapper because I was able to slip my hands out. I opened the door with no trouble and started wondering if A.D. wanted me to get out. Every step felt like a mile because of my gun-shot wound. I see a door at the end of the hall. I put my ear to the door to try to hear if anyone is in there and I hear nothing.  When I open the door I see a little Amish girl that  looks about 4 years old playing with faceless dolls.
"Who are you?" She asked
"Spencer Hastings who are you?"
"Amy, Amy Drake."

Ok if you haven't figured it out Amy DRAKE is in the Cece Drake and Mary Drake family. I know in the show the girl was older but I had to make her that age for a reason you will find out later. Sorry this chapter was so short.

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