Muffin~ Vobi

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*super fluffy/almost no plot oops*
I will never understand Vikk's sleep schedule. It was odd and somehow always changing. So when he did find time to come over he was either sleeping or I was. I didn't want this time to be like the previous so when he came over I made it a point that we both feel asleep at the same time.
"Tobi..To-" a pillow hit my face.
"Argh- Vikk," his eyes were smaller than usual but his smile was still bright as ever.
"Good morning!"
"It's 2pm," I laughed pulling him back down.
"Good afternoon?" He said snuggling into me.
"That works."
"You know what I could use?" I shook my head.
"Muffins. Blueberry muffins," he licked his lips softly.
"Um that's a very random request.. but let me see what I can do," he nodded throwing the comforter back on him. I got up and went into the kitchen. Bombarding the cabinets for a few moments left me with an old looking box with muffin mix. The expiration date was a month away, just in time.
"Vikk!" A small boy with Pokemon pajamas waltz into the kitchen.
"Yes Tabi?"
"You didn't think I was going to do this on my own know did you?" He rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"Okay well tell me what to get Tobi," he stared into the fridge.
"That's Chief Tobi to you."
Vikk worked steadily getting out all the ingredients, handing them to me when I asked.
"Alright I think the batter is done.. You wanna lick the spoon?" He happily took it as I lined the time tray with muffin wrappers. I finished and popped them into the oven.
"And now we wait," Vikk and I both sat at the table. He looked contempt as he licked the spoon.
"You're my muffin," he stopped.
"Does that mean you're going to eat me?" A little wink left his eye.
"Oh my god die, it was supposed to be cute."
"Well stop trying so hard to be cute when you already are," he tapped my nose and went to check the oven. He sat criss crossed in front of the oven like he was praying to the muffin gods.
"A watched over never cooks," I called as he continued to have a stare down with the appliance.
"A nosy boyfriend never gets muffins."
"Tobi! Tobi! Please can we eat them now? They look like they've cooled enough," he stomped his feet on the ground looking for approval.
"Fine but be careful it might he-"
"FUcks Sakes!"
"Give me your hand," I ran his "injured" hand under some cold water and kissed it a bit.
"Let me do it this time okay?"
"Okay?" I grabbed an oven mitt and a fork and took out two of the muffins. I got one plate for the both of us.
"Alright here," he took his first bite and gagged a little.
"These are absolute shit," I tried mine and was left with the same outcome.
"Dammit!" He cried throwing the rest of the batch away.
"I'm sorry," he hugged me.
"It's okay babe, it was fun bantering around the kitchen with you."
"I know we didn't get your muffins but you're still my muffin. I love you."
Word Count 545
Part of me likes this random fluff, part of me wants to delete it. Ehh. Sorry about the lack of updates. School is already getting hectic I'm sorry. But thank you guys for 7.25k! It means so much that you guys actually like my stories ily. Thank you all for the support! ilygsm

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