His Love Changed Me - One Shot

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One shot competition entry - Tristan's POV.


I walked from school after a hard day. It seemed like my teachers were purposely trying to make senior year harder than ever, so that we would fail and stay another year. But that was probably just me being paranoid.

"Hey Tristan, wait up!" I heard a familiar voice yell from behind me and I turned around to see Jake running towards me. Once he caught up with me, I asked, "Yeah?"

"You coming to that party tonight? I bet Charlotte's gonna be there." I smiled at the mention of my girlfriend but shook my head. "No, I don't think so. I have tons of homework to catch up on. Maybe next time." I confirmed. Jake flipped his shaggy blond bangs out of his face.

"Whatever, dude. See you on Monday." Jake said, then walked off in the direction of his car. I lifted an eyebrow but decided to ignore it. 

A few minutes later I walked in the door of our huge house."Mom? I'm home!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the living room. "I'll be right down!" I heard a muffled voice from upstairs. She was probably in her office. I tossed my book bag onto the couch and headed towards the kitchen.

I grabbed an apple and took a huge bite out of it when my Mom walked into the kitchen. "Tristan, you need to take smaller bites. Someday you're going to choke on your food and I won't be there to help you!" She exclaimed, shaking her head at me. I narrowed my eyes and we stared at each other for a moment. But as usual, I broke first and burst into laughter. "Hey Mom," I said with a grin and gave her a one-armed hug. She smiled and patted my back. I loved the fact that my mom and I were so close.

"How was school?" She asked, taking an equally huge bite out of the apple she grabbed, causing me to smile. "Hard, but you know. Senior year." I answered. She smiled sympathetically. "I have tons of homework to finish so I'm going to start on that now." I told her and grabbed my backpack, running upstairs to my room.

After what seemed like hours, I looked at my clock to see that I could be in time for the party, so I threw on some nice clothes and raced out of the house.

A long drive later I pulled up to a house alive with music. I rang the doorbell and Keelie, host of the party, opened the door. "Tris! You made it!" She ushered me inside and I flashed a grin at her, btu my mind was on Charlotte. She rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh go find her! I know you want to." She teased, smirking at me.

I thank her and ran off. I couldn't find her on the first floor so I went upstairs, where an equally loud party was being held. I heard Charlotte's muffle voice coming from one of the rooms and a huge grin broke out on my face. I swung open the door.

Charlotte was laying in a bed and some guy hovered over her, kissing her. She was moaning in pleasure when suddenly her eyes landed on me. She instantly broke away from the guy and scrambled to a sitting position. "Tristan! I-It's not what it looks like!" She said frantically, pushing the guy off her. The guy froze and turned to look at me. I instantly recognized him as Jake. My best friend.

Hurt and betrayal filled my eyes. I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. "How could you do this to me? I loved you!" I shouted at Charlotte. "Tristan, I-" I cut off whatever she had to say by slamming the door. I bounded out of the house, jumped in my car and sped off towards our house. Reaching my destination, I ran inside the house and collapsed on the couch crying.

I heard footsteps. "Tristan, what's wrong?"I heard my mom's voice. "Charlotte cheated on me!" I yelled and buried my face in a pillow. I know most guys don't do this, but I loved Charlotte! I felt my mother's comforting arm around me.

And that night I fell asleep in my mother's arms, ones that shielded me from all my troubles. Troubles that I would soon have to face.

But for now, I would just have to worry about being comfortoable in loving mother's arms.

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