Chapter 1 - Where it all began

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It was a rainy, boring day in February and Jimin didn't know what to do. He had planned to hang out with his best friend Tae today but it rained unexpectedly, ruining their plans.

Jimin stared out of his bedroom window and pondered for a minute. He decided to scroll through his Instagram feed seeing as he hadn't thought of anything else he could do with his time. As he was scrolling through he noticed something he couldn't ignore.

The post was just a normal selfie, yet the caption was what alarmed him. It read: 'Sometimes I think that if I was to leave this world no one would actually give a damn. Maybe I should...'.

"I should check to see if they're okay." Jimin thought out loud as he sent the stranger a message asking if they were alright. Within a couple of seconds he received a reply.


JiminieGotNoJams: Hey I just wanted to check if you were alright cuz of ur last post..
Y00ng1._: Well if I'm honest with u no. I'm not ok at all tbh.
JiminieGotNoJams: Aww what's up?
Y00ng1._: Basically me and one of my used to be friends got in an argument and he said some pretty shitty things to me. He's turned everyone against me and I have no one now. I feel so alone...
JiminieGotNoJams: Man I'm sorry to hear that.. If it makes you feel any better even though I'm a stranger I care about you and I really hope things get better for you. I really do.
Y00ng1._: Yea thanks dude. I appreciate it. Say, what's ur name?
JiminieGotNoJams: Jimin hbu? ;)
Y00ng1._: I'm Yoongi. I'd like to get to know u better Jimin. Would you mind if I asked you some questions?


Little did he know it would all kick off from there. If he could change everything. If he could take back that message... Oh how he wish he could.

Hey Guys! So yeah this is a really short chapter but it's only a starter to kinda set the scene a little bit and give you a bit more detail into the backstory. It will make a lot more sense later on when I get into the main story I promise! Sorry if it's a bit crappy I just didn't really know how to start it off tbh. I'm going to upload a few chapters tonight (I'm from England lmao sorry anyone who isn't in my time zoneeee) because I'm going on holiday soon and won't be able to. So this isn't the only chapter there'll be a LOAD more in like idk probably 40 minutes xD

But anyways enough blabbing I hope you guys enjoy it and stay with me on it!

- T xxm

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