Chapter 2 - Park Jimin is a Bitch

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Okay so this chapter of the story kicks off the main story which is in the present time. Last chapter was a bit of a backstory which will be cleared up later on in the story. Just clearing that up for anyone that gets confused. Enjoy reading xD

"Get the fuck out of my way" Jimin pushed a young boy aside as he walked through the crowded school halls. He continued to yell rude comments at people as he barged through before bumping into a tall, and abnormally hard figure.

The figure grabbed his shoulders and pushed him away slightly to get a good look at his face. Jimin stood there dumbfounded and confused as to what this stranger was doing. He was Park Jimin. He was the famous bitch in the school and no one fucked with him and here stood this guy holding him and looking at him like he was no big deal.

"Ahh fuck sorry about that man." He took another look and his face lightened up a bit "Ohh you're that Park Jimin guy right?" He held out a hand for Jimin to shake "I'm Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you!" He had a smile plastered across his face showing off his bunny teeth. Jimin went to shake his hand but pulled away, disgusted with himself.

"What the fuck!? Get away from me you freak" he hissed as he knocked Jungkook's hand away and storms off. "What a fucking weirdo." He muttered to himself before bumping into yet ANOTHER person, yet thankfully was his best friend Jin.

"Yo what's got you all flustered dude? Is it a girl? IS SHE HOT? Damn you gotta show meeeee!" Jin shouted gaining many people's attention.

"No you idiot!" Jimin scolded as he jabbed his elbow into Jin's side causing him to wince. "It's nothing.. Anyway where is Namjoon?"

"Ah after he got caught vandalising school property he got caught in the job of having to show the new kid around. Poor Joonie..." Jin trailed off obviously deep in thought. There was a new kid? Who was he? Jimin was snapped out of thought when someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder earning them a gasp. He turned around quickly to see a stupid grinning face.

"Namjoon you fucking idiot you scared the shit out of me!" Jimin said as he playfully punched him. "So where's the new kid you're having to show around then?" Jimin said as he peered around trying to spot anyone unfamiliar to him.

"He's just in the bathroom at the minute but he'll be here soon. I'll have to introduce you man he's a bit formal but other than that he's pretty cool." This piqued Jimin's interest. Just who WAS this kid? It's rare to hear Namjoon call someone cool so this kid must be something. At that moment a tall figure, though not as tall as Namjoon, popped up from behind him. He had messy raven hair and deep brown eyes with a bunny tooth smile. Wait... Bunny teeth?

"Oh so we meet again Jimin!" Jungkook did his famous bunny tooth smile at him. Jimin did everything he could to stop himself from smiling back and successfully managed to conjure up a scowl at the boy.

"Oh it's YOU again." Jimin's voice was laced in disgust, though Jungkook face didn't change at Jimin's harsh tone. What was up with this kid? Jin and Namjoon exchanged confused looks as to what exactly was going on.

"Hey Namjoon mind if I have a moment with Jimin?"

"Sure why not just don't be too long okay?" And with that Namjoon and Jin walked off somewhere leaving Jimin and Jungkook alone together. Jimin waited for Jungkook to say something but he just looked at him.

"Well what the fuck do you want then? If you're not going to say anything I'm just going to go." Jimin said impatiently. He turned to go and walk away when he felt a sudden grip on his wrist. He was turned around to face Jungkook who yet again, was staring intently at Jimin.

"Ya know, you're actually kinda cute. How about you go about with me?" Jungkook said with a grin.

Man I'm a crappy writer. Yano I might just abandon this now cuz I suck so bad xD Ahhh oh well :')

- T xx

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