Final chapter final surprise

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Enjoy everyone this is my final part I'm going to put another fanfic about the continue of this one........
The next day....
''Ugh'' Pewds waked up because of his phone ''jack?......what you want at this our'' ''well you promise me to help me with the last preparations for the wedding on this Saturday!!'' Jack yell at his phone ''I'm sorry I forgot *yawn* I'll be there in some minutes'' Pewds said ''yeah I'll wait just hurry up!''. Pewds got up at took a bath and brushed his teeth.''good morning sleepy head!'' Ken gave a kiss to Pewds ''why didn't you wake me up Jack almost broke my ear in the phone!'' ''Oh I'm sorry...well I need to go I need to go and help Mark!'' ''Bye babe see you later!'' ''See ya' babe!'' Ken closed the door. Pewds ate cereal and got his keys and got to he's car. When he got there he saw Jack waiting outside an tailor shop for his suit the color of the wedding was going to be pinky peach. ''Hello there what can I do for you young men!'' ''Oh we are here for the suits and the ties'' ''oh yes!....come with me please!''. The time pass by an the last trip for the day was getting some flowers and ofcourse the flowers were going to be pinky peach. But meanwhile ''yes that one is perfect...thanks!'' Ken said to the sales man. ''What did u buy?'' Said Mark ''oh...a ring!'' ''For what?'' ''Oh you'll see's a surprise'' ''why can't u tell me?!'' ''Ugh okay u cry baby..*whispers*'' ''oh he's going to like it...well good luck buddy...lets go and orther my Jack said pinky peach...'' Mark checked his phone. Mean while ''this are perfect Jack!'' ''U think so'' ''yes the color is like our ties'' ''well I guess you are right'' ''ofcourse I'm right I'm PewdiePie'' ''yeah...well these are alright'' ''how many young sir?'' Said the lady of the store ''like....2,000 of these for Saturday'' ''okay just sing here and pay and they will be ready for Saturday!''. After singing Pewds and Jack went to the house. They both played some video games and Jack make dinner for the night, then Ken and Mark arrived. ''Ugh I'm tired...oh it's smells nice are you making dinner babe!'' Said Mark embracing Jack from behind and Jack gave him a kiss ''yes...u want Markipoo'' ''yes please!''. ''How was your day Kenny?'' ''I'm a little bit tired but I'm okay and u?'' ''Oh I'm okay'' Pewds says kissing Ken ''time to eat love birds!'' ''Oh what's to eat?'' ''My mothers especial soup''. After they washed the dishes and everything Mark and Jack went home leaving the two of them to go to sleep.

It was Friday and tomorrow was the wedding. Pewds needed to wake up early for the preparation of the wedding place and party place. It was afternoon already and the time went flying like crazy Pewds was doing a blog of him helping Jack, every was crazy exited to see the wedding in one of Pewds blog like he promise to all the Septiplier fangirl and some fanboys. ''Well guys see you tomorrow in the next blog brofist!'' ''Can u help me finish put the decorations!'' ''Coming!''. As the day pass Ken was nervous because of his surprise will Pewds accept or he would reject his love?. Is was night already and everyone was gone to their homes. ''Can we take a bath together?'' Pewds said embarrassed ''of course we can babe!'' They both went home a took a bath and went to sleep.

Wedding day!!!!!!!!

It was the wedding day Jack called Pewds if he could bring their suits and the bridesmaids dresses to his house were the were going to change and then go in a limousine to the wedding place. After Pewds went to take the dresses it was time to go to Jack's house everyone was there already and ready to change. After the girls and Pewds and Jack change they all got to the limousine. The wedding started '*wedding music*' ''today we are united for the union of these two persons and they decided to became one...Mark Edward Fishbach do you take Sean McLoughlin as beloved husband'' ''I do with all my heart'' ''and Sean McLoughlin do you take Mark Edward Fishbach as your beloved husband'' ''I-l do with my heart'' ''now u may put the rings'' Ken walked to the altar and gave the both of them the rings ''with this ring I will love u to the end of the world'' Mark said putting the ring in Jack's finger ''and I Seán I shall put this in your finger as the bownd of our love'' Jack said putting the ring in marks finger ''now you may kiss...and I pronounce you husband and man''. After that it was the party in the party was time for some friends to say some words. It was Pewds turn ''why did I knew this day was coming some day'' Pewds talked and now it was Ken turn ''well today was a great day wasn't it... As Fe' said we all knew this day was coming but I have one question to ask someone important in my life'' he walked toward to Pewds and bowing Pewds fast covered his mouth and crying.

''Felix will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?''
''I-I billion times yes''

And they live happily ever after
The end....or is it?

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