Welcome To Beacon

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Intro: Your name was Y/n L/n you were accepted into Beacon academy after excelling in all your classes at signal. Your weapon is a diamond katana that transforms into two diamond Tommy Guns. Your semblance is the ability to transform into any Faunus of your choice. You are currently a Wolf Faunus so you can run fast, have large canine teeth, a tail, furry ears, and sharp claws. The reason you like to be the wolf is because it drives the girls crazy.

Story Time:

My first day at Beacon Academy, I was a little nervous and hoped that I wouldn't be placed in a team with a bunch of weirdos but since there was an odd number of people I had my own personal dorm. I don't mind because of all the extra space I'll have in my room and the peace and quiet. First they have to prepare the dorms and arrange for everyone to have a giant 'sleep over' I guess you could call it.

                   As people scurried around trying to find good sleeping spots I saw a nervous dark-haired girl with a red hoodie standing in one place. She looked nervous and confused, I casually approached her and she turned her head to face me. "Hi I'm Y/n" I extend my arm and try to be as polite as I can be.

                            Ruby's POV

          As I frantically search for my sister a cute looking Wolf Faunus approaches me and extends his arm "Hi I'm Y/n" he extends his arm and I grasp his hand with mine. As he shakes it I look into his soft E/c eyes and his perfect H/c hair. I drool a little bit and start uncontrollably kissing and nibbling on his hand.

         My sister comes out of nowhere and picks me up and throws me over her shoulder. I hit and punch her back "Yang! Let me go! I was trying to talk with Y-n!" She laughs and sets me down. "Oh so your Y/n huh, I'm Yang, sorry if Ruby was acting weird. I think it means she like you" I punch her in the shoulder. She laughs at me and I stuck my tongue out at her.

               Y/n looks at Yang and chuckles a bit "she's actually kind've cute" I scream in my head 'HE CALLED ME CUTE!!! HE LOVES ME!!!'

                               Your POV

After calling Ruby cute she almost instantly tackles me to the ground. She lays on top of me and slides her hand down my pants "mmm someone's a big boy..." I pull her hand out of my pants and push her off "well it's been fun but I have to go now". I quickly walk away and find a nice place to sleep. I place my blanket and pillow and drift off into sleep.

                Time skip to the morning

            I wake up and stretch, I stand up and leave the room. 'Time to explore this town' I think to myself. As I walk through Vale l come across a library, I step inside and look around in the  science fiction section. I pick out a book on mythical creatures know as 'Grimm'. As I read a few pages I look up from the book to see...

      "Ruby? What are you doing here?" She smiles and grabs my hand and tugs me out of the library. On my way out I place the book on one of the shelves. She leads me outside the store and asks "Y/n, will you marry me?" She holds two diamond rings "um Ruby" her eyes sparkle and a wide grin is plastered on her face "yes Y/n".

             "No, I've only known you for a day and plus I'm dating Cinder and she would burn me alive if she knew that I was even talking to you" tears form in her eyes and she starts crying and runs off. "Ruby wait! Ugh damnit". I look over my shoulder and see Neo with a tub of Neopolitan ice cream and smirk on her face. I point to her and grit my teeth "Neo, if you text Cinder what you just saw then so help me god-" she pulled out her scroll and ran the opposite direction of me.

          I was sure she was texting Cinder so I just quickly walked to the nearest bar and grill. I took a seat at a booth and nervously tapped my fingers together as I knew what was coming. Cinder busts through the front door of the bar with fire in her eyes. She scans the room and her eyes land on me, she motions me to come outside. I get up and lower my head in shame, I follow her outside and into a dark alley.

               She pins me to the wall and holds a ball of fire in her hand. "Answer me this, was Neo telling me the truth about you talking to another girl". I shake my head rapidly "your a terrible liar Y/n" I close my eyes and wait to be burned but it never came. Instead I felt a pair of lips pressed against mine. I open my eyes and see Cinder kissing me. I fell into the kiss, she used her tongue to nudge my teeth asking for entrance.  I playfully denied, she crabbed my crotch making me gasp. She slid her tongue into my mouth and explored every inch of it until breaking the kiss in need of oxygen.

                              Ruby POV

              I look for Y/n all around the library where I last saw him. Maybe if I apologize then he will trust me enough to go into town with me at night which will give me the perfect time to kidnap him. I hear moaning in an alleyway so I peak my head around the corner to see Y/n making out with that slut. I clench my fists as I see them breaking the kiss. I grab Crescent Rose and use my semblance to run at Cinder at lightning speed "HE'S MINE!!!"

         A/n: Well that's the end of part one and might I add that things escalated a little quickly. I'll see how this turn out for ya, is ya boi WolfBlood420 signing off...

Male Faunus Reader x Yandere RubyWhere stories live. Discover now