one shot

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Hi, so around chapter 4 (or chapter 3 I can't remember for the life of me) of 'A Real Gem' I was feeling uninspired which was why I wasn't updating like I used to and honestly I didn't know what to do. Then I thought 'this is a great story idea.....! WAIT A MINUTE I CAN WRITE ABOUT THIS!!!'. So here we are...

Also don't own anything.

I can't think of a good idea, not a single one and it's driving me up the wall crazy ! " Damn it !" I cursed while I bang my head of my wooden desk again, hoping a new idea would pop... nope guess I will try again.

I sighed then, slowly lift my head up to look at the notebook fill with ideas that have either been mark as N.G (no good) or N.O (not original). I softly sighed "Damn it !" As I was about to bang my head again, someone's soft hands stop me and let out a laugh.

"Ah, babe don't hurt yourself, it only makes me cry" Rin said fake sadly, I looked at her and smiled. She's so cute especially when she plays around, "ah but sweetheart ! Then you can take of me for the rest your life!~" i joked, Rin looked at me nervously and scratch her neck. "Y-you don't mean you ? I mean what happened to being the greatest writer in Japan ?" Rin asked nervously.

I tap my lip innocently before smiling, "I wrote a bestseller already! So I want the love of my life to take care of me !....come here" I pulled Rin gently on my lap, she drop her guitar case and rest her head on my shoulder, I can feel her breath on her neck.

"You know I would take care of you right ? Even if you can't see me, hear me, feel me, smell me or taste me. I would still be there for you right?" I sighed softly, Rin has always has insecurely even when We were just friends, She was always insecure.

"I know that Rin dear, I was just joking, besides I would do the same for you. I love you." I said sweetly, as I looked into her beautiful eyes and pulled Rin closer. Rin whispered "I love you too" before kissing me softly, I smiled as she wrap her arm around my neck. I put my hands ran up and down her hips.

The kiss lasted a minute before Rin pull away, she looked at me dreamily, smiling, I smiled back before looking at the table remembering work, my smile turn into a frown.

"How was work dear ?" I asked Rin, She stopped smiling before sighing, "good, Miku thinks we should stay and write a new song together. But honestly I wanted to see you again..." she answered before looking at the desk. "Still can't think of a good idea ?" I sighed while nodding.

"Its no good, none of my ideas are good enough" I stated sadly, Rin frowned before picking up my note pad, I gave her a confused look and watched her scan the list of ideas.

"What about this idea ? Its not too bad." Rin said happily like a little 5 year old at of finding a new toy, I picked up my reading glasses and look at the idea, Rin pick out and sighed deeply.

"No Dear, it not original..." I told her sweetly, trying not to break her soft heart.

Rin pouted, close her eyes and fold her arms, "well, that's frankly stupid babe", I cocked my eyebrow up and Rin giggles.

"There's no new story idea, creators have run out of ideas but, there are still good stories now, even though it's a repeat of a story, all you need to do is something new with it !" I stared at Rin, not that Rin is a stupid blonde , She's amazing at guitar and is so beautiful, but Rin sounds like She the Author of a bestseller....

Then again, She not wrong.....

"Ok, you're right but, what should I do now ? What I do that's new ?" I asked while wiping my forehead, Rin proud of her last statement, was grinning from ear to ear, looked at me. "Um, well....... I don't know ! Make it different ?" Rin said nervously while biting her bottom lip and I bang my head on the desk.

I can't think of a good idea... (gumi x rin)Where stories live. Discover now