Chapter One

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"Harley Addison, get up! You need to shower!" My mother yelled, banging on my door. I groan and reach for the nearest thing that I could throw. That day, it was a balled up pair of socks. Three, two, one. I chucked them at the general vicinity of the door as it opened. 

"Leave me alone," I retorted.

"Look, do you think I like getting up to make sure you shower?" My mother demanded.

"Yes. Otherwise you'd get dad," I told her.

"No, I don't. Just get up and shower, you'll feel better," She told me. 

"Fine," I grumbled. I shower, then throw on the favorites: skinny jeans, combat boots, and a white shirt with black sleeves patterned with an infinity symbol made of black glittery birds. Add the black jacket and I was done. I clomped downstairs and grabbed an apple, which I violently ate to the core. I hated getting up early, but there was nothing else to be done about it. I brushed my teeth, and threw my hairbrush into my backpack, since I brush my hair at school anyways. I kissed my mother on the cheek, and ran out the door, my backpack hitting against my hips with each flying leap. I barely heard my mother asking if I'd done something about the chuch ceremony, which I pretended not to hear. I didn't believe in that mumbo-jumbo about the Lord is with us and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for us. It was just humans pulling the wool over our own eyes, trying to believe there was something stronger than us that controled our fates. I waited for the bus, fidgeting for what felt like millenia until the yellow bus came. Then it was ten minutes of would be agony-except I brought my headphones. So it passed normally until first period, where the new girl came.

"This is Natalie Royale. Natalie, your seat is over there, next to Harley," the science teacher, Mr.  Woulfrum told her, pointing towards me. She was pretty, with honey blonde hair and blue eyes. She smiled softly and took the empty seat next to me. I grinned and class continued. Everything continued normally, except I couldn't stop looking at her. I assumed it was natural curiosity about anyone who was new. Suddenly, I felt something push my elbow. I looked to see a folded up slip of paper and a very innocent-looking Natalie. I opened it.

Your name's Harley? Like the motorcycle?

The girl had a sense of humor, I noted, before scrawling back,

Yeah. Natalie, like the actress?

"Miss Addison, I hope that you're bothering Miss Royale for a noble cause," Mr. Woulfrum told me dryly. I looked up, a snappy retort about to fly out of my mouth, but a soft voice spoke up.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Woulfrum, I forgot your name, so I asked Harley," the voice said. Everybody looked surprised when they realized it was Natalie speaking.

"Very well, but for future reference Miss Royale, if you have any future questions, please do not consult Miss Addison," Mr. Woulfrum told her, and the rest of the class sniggered, knowing fully well that he was implying that I was a liar.

"At least I'm not homophobic like you, snake," I muttered, but my cheeks were burning anyways. Class continued, and I counted no less than three people falling asleep, all of whom were ignored by Mr. Woulfrum. Typical. Finally, we were released.

"Is he always that bad?" Natalie asked.

"No, today he's actually relaxed," I told her.

"Damn," she muttered.

"You're right about that," I told her.

"What's your next class?" She asked.

"History. You?" I asked.

"English," she said.

"Good luck," I told her, and I found I actually meant it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2014 ⏰

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