Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.

The ship dropped anchor in a long bay of Oman and we had to take a small boat to shore. I didn't want to leave without Bright Eyes. All the other horses onboard were allowed to go to shore, and I protested until the captain allowed me to take him too.

Once we arrived on dry land, everyone seemed to disperse. I smiled as my feet sank into the warm, golden sand of the bay as I stepped out of the boat. I pulled at Bright Eyes' head collar lightly and he gave a small leap out of it behind me and safely onto the shore. He seemed to enjoy jumping round in the sand and kicked at it with his hooves. I smiled and did the same.

"Fabian," I heard a voice shout and I turned quickly to see Rahl beckon for me to come over. We plodded up and followed the rest, walking up the bay and over the road. We continued to walk along many paths until we came to a long road. Trees hung low over it, sheltering us from the burning sun, every now and then some rays would pass through the gaps in the leaves and would seem to sparkle when they touched the ground.

The horses in front kept their heads low as they continued to plod along until we came to a clearing beyond the trees. I let out a small gasp when I saw a large field and many stables in front of me and I felt a warm feeling rise up inside me, as I stared at the sight. There was a little cottage next to it, the plume of smoke coming out from the chimney suggested it had residents. The stables, to the right of it, were in the shape of a horse shoe and it made the place look very cosy.

We approached the stables, but they were empty. The others all seemed to be putting there horses in them and I was confused as to whether to do the same or not.

Suddenly a man came out from the cottage, his bristly beard and scruffy clothes made me guess he hadn't had a wash in a good few days. The captain greeted him by grabbing his hand and giving it a hard shake. Rahl joined them.

"Raffi, how you been?" The captain gave the man a bear hug and a hard pat on the back.

"Good, and you?" They released and began to chat. I watched, completely unaware of what was happening around me.

"Boy," a man shouted across the small yard. I snapped out of my entrancement and looked to my left to see Dan walking towards me and I felt my heart sink to my feet. I was scared of what he was about to do as he strode towards Bright Eyes and I. I gripped the head collar lead, tighter and tighter with every step he took towards me. "Are you going to exercise your horse?" He question in his deep voice, as he towered over me.

"What do you mean?" I asked timidly, afraid of the consequences if I didn't do it right.

"Are you going to ride him?" He pointed to Bright Eyes. I looked up at the horse who stared back down at me through large eyes.

"I've never ridden a horse before," I admitted.

He sighed and walked off. "Follow," he ordered and I obeyed. We approached a door and Dan entered, whilst I waited outside, anxious as to what he was going to do. He came out holding a saddle in his arms. The brown leather shone in the sun and the shiny stirrups reflected its light into my eyes. He placed it on Bright Eyes' back, then muttered slightly before taking it off again and disappearing into the small room. He reappeared holding a bigger saddle and placed it on the horse's back again. His forehead wrinkled as he thought for a few seconds before nodding and putting the girth round Bright Eyes' stomach and fastening it tightly, then he put the stirrups down. He then went back to the room and came out with a bridle. The silver bit for the mouth looked like it had never been used before and the thin strips of leather to go round the face looked clean. He unclipped the head collar and dropped it onto the floor with me still holding the lead, Bright Eyes now had nothing to be held with and I was nervous as to whether or not he'd say still. Dan held the upper part of the bridle in one hand and put his fingers into the horses mouth, forcing it open so he could put the bit in. Bright Eyes raised his head and gave a small grunt as Dan pushed the metal bit into the soft corners of his mouth.

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