part 2

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here is part two

Dannie xoxox

The doctor knew exactly what was going on, Anna has a gift she could sense things that other cannot. He did not have the heart to tell his wife, trying to tell your wife that your daughter that she could read minds and feeling.

The doctor walked straight out the Tardis and shut the door. "what was up with her then?" asked his wife concerned. "river....she is ok, promise" mumbled the doctor . River turned around on her chair "why do I feel that you are lieing to me?!" wondeeong what he was up to. "oh um" he lost his words.

"doctor.... please tell me what is going on with my beautiful girl.

"she has a gift river, she can have visions and read minds... One day she is gonna know." he turned his wife. "how do you know this?" asked river. "the Tardis, and her... I have been inside her head...., I just know.

Trust me

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2013 ⏰

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