Imagine 4; in love

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"It's true S/n, I'm in love with our brothers best friend!" (Sisters name).

"No way!"

You and your sister looked at each other shocked, but she broke the silence and said, "You mean Jungkook? The cute baby face one?"

"Sadly.. Yup"

Your sister expression changed and smirked, "What now?" , "What do you mean 'What now?' Haven't you heard? B/n (brothers name) is having a sleepover with a few friends?" When you heard that you lay down on your bed fustrated.

"Don't tell me Jungkook is going to be there.." A moment of silence but your sister finally answered "Well, durr! He will be there.." You sat back up and watched your sister do her nails.

"I need water.." You went out of the room, you were scared because all the lights were turned off. You went to the kitchen to get a drink. You looked at the living room door, you heard laughter's.


You dropped your water and looked for the person to come out of the shadow..

Shizzus! It's Jungkook.

"Hi." You said simply, you looked down and saw the mess you made. You bent down to clean it but when you were about to touch the broken glass, a hand stopped you. "You'll cut yourself."

He picked it up for you and you just looked at him clean the mess you've made. "Sorry for scaring you.." He spoke up and you went back to your senses and tucked your hair behind your ears.

"Oh, it's okay. Scare me all you want.. Hee"

Shoot! Why did i say that!

Everything is so awkward, he stood up and you followed him and stood up. "By the way, where is the the packet of crisps-- oh wait nevermind."

He opened the cabinet behind you and oh my god! It looked like he was giving you a hug. His scent of his strong cologne sent you to overdrive. It even made your legs shake.

You closed your eyes and enjoyed the moment.

You opened your eyes and saw that he was looking at you. "Can we talk for a sec?" He asks you, "Okay..".

You two sat across from each other.

"I'm sorry.." He said softly, "Sorry for what?" , "For what I'm about to ask you.." You smiled and said "Okay, what is it then?" He smiled and started talking "I have a problem.".

"What is it?" You asked worriedly, "Well, i have this massive huge crush on my bestfriends sister and I don't know how to tell her how i feel about her." You got hurt to what he said because he has a crush on his Bestfriends sister.

Well, it couldn't be you because he has other bestfriends that has sister and that girl can't be you.

You faked a smile and said "Well, first of all, what is a 'forever' to you?"

He looked at you lustly and answered.

"A 'forever'? Well, it's happening right now."


You chuckled and raised a brow "What do you mean?".

"Y/n, i like you."

Wait, am i hearing things properly. You have an unbelievable look but he looked really serious when he said that.

"Will you go out with me?"

You smiled and answered...


You can imagine the rest..

Jungkook imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now