Early 21st Century

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The ENTERPRISE was called to help out the TITAN, captain is William T. Riker, with a tow to starbase 1045 for some repairs. Since Picard got Deanna, Wil , Georgi,and Beverly in one ship again. When they got to starbase 1045, Picard suggest that they go to DS9, Deep Space 9, to see Worf and Ezri Dax. They agreed they all left on a shuttle craft Data, they stayed there for a month and Worf and Ezri Dax they were also going to stay for a month with Picard and Wil.

While coming back from DS9, they had went through a time ruff. They didn't even know that they went through ruff, until Wil got hungry and wanted an apple than all of sudden there was an apple in his hand. Deanna said," Wil, where did you get that apple? That apple wasn't there before." Will looked down and said," I have no idea what happen. Deanna, what is the matter? You don't look to good."

When he said that she passed out and when she came to she asked Beverly how long was I out ? No one didn't know what to say because they don't know what happen the scan showed nothing wrong.

Beverly said," Sorry, Deana, you were out for 20 minutes. We don't know why you past out. The scans show nothing wrong. I was hoping you can tell me what happen before , during, and after. Could you?"

Deanna said," All I know is this we are not in our time. I think we are in Earth's time early 21st century. I want to find out something about everyone that might be able to help us in our time. Why don't you guys go down and see if I am right. I need you, Beverly, to do some test on Wil. "

Beverly said, "What happen? What are you not telling us? Why do I have to do the test?"

Deanna said, " Will, why don't you try to explain it? All I know is this one minute he had no apple in his hand and than the next there it is. Don't ask me how it happened. "

Wil said," I was hungry than the apple was in my hand. Don't know how or what happen. That is the truth." Beverly scanned Will and there was something different but what it is she could not say.

Beverly said," I need something to compare because what is going with Deanna and Will has to do something with the power shut down about an hour ago. Picard, we need to take a look down."

Picard said with some worry in his voice,"Geordi, Deanna, Beverly and I will go down. Worf, Ezri, and Will stay here on the shuttle craft. I want you three to find out what the hell happen." Deanna didn't want to leave her husband.

Will said," I am sorry, Deanna. I can't go down there because I can't control whatever is happening to me. I want you to go down there and find out if you are right."

When the away team went down to Earth, they actually saw was very different than what they read about in school of this area. They tried to ask some one where they were at but no one would give the time of day. Than one teenager girl notice that they looked lost and got up from the picnic table gather her belongings and went to them.

When she got to them, she said," Sir, can I help you? You guys look lost may I give you guys a hand?"

Picard looked at the team and said," Yes, you can. Can you tell where are we at and what year is it?"

The teenage girl said," Well, why don't I get you guys something to eat. We talk over lunch."  The teenage girl recognize them  and want to see if she was right but what show did she recognize them from is the question.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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