Breaking the Ice

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"Excited. A new planet! I hope there's life on it!" The optimistic black tinted Glitch proclaimed, teleporting down onto the obviously barren planet "Happy. Well, there's no life. But that just means I can mark it as a Glitch discovery!"
"Hahaha! Boy, I becha imma find a heap a pixels down there!" The confident light blue, diamond faced Novakid stated to the empty ship, and teleported down. "Huh. Burrr! Nothin here. Well, just my luck! I can claim this as a Novakid discovery!"
"I hope there's animals here!" The starry eyed, green and pink Floran sang, "I love killing undiscovered species!" She beamed down, looking over the desert snow planet, "Oh! It's perfect! Only really tough creatures could live here! Plus, I'll get to hunt them!"
"Oh boy, another planet." The blonde Human sarcastically sighed, "It must be sooo unique" he dryly commented, teleporting down, and looking over the vast frozen emptiness, and putting down a Human flag. "Claimed."
"Heh." The... 'unique' Glitch said simply, "New world... Wait a minute, there's four other ships here." She tapped a few buttons and contacted the other creatures via ship com.
"Attention bone heads! Figurative, since three of you don't have bones. You seemed to all have ignored your ships scanners; there are five creatures here, and there all us. Get back to your own ships unless you're mining frozen sand." Managed to reach all of them from the latest to join ship.

"Ecstatic. There are other people here? Hello!"

"Well, ain't that somethin?"

"Are any of you battle trained?"

"Ugh, people. Figures."

"Just shut up! We're meeting on my ship. I'll send you all beam location." She said, already hating these new travellers.
They all managed to fit on the ship built for three people at most. The owner spoke first, "Alright, so, first of all, we need to know each other's names. I'm Harley."

Then, the light hearted Glitch spoke, "Proud. I'm 01000010 01101100 01110101. Which, in universal basic, translates to 'Blu'"

Then the Novakid, "I'm Luck. Not my name, but I forgot mine anyways. Just my luck, huh? Hahahaha"

Then the Floran, "I'm bored! Someone shoot somebody!" The ship owner coughed roboticly, reminding the Floran to introduce herself, "Oh, right, my name's Terra."

Then the Human, "I'm told my name's Shaw. So, call me that."

Harley spoke up again, "Alright, that's taken care of. Now, who set down planet markers?" Nathan, Luck, and Blu raised their hands. "Now, this is how we're going to settle things. Terra?"

The Floran looked up from her knife, "Huh?"

"Pick one of these three"

"Uh... Hmm... Blu!"

"Okay, Blu, you're going to fight Terra"

Blu began shaking, "Scared. B-b-but why??"

Terra jumped on Blu, already cutting into his head when he beamed away. Soon after, he beamed back.

"Angry. Killing people isn't nice!" The mechanical enthusiasm gone from his voice.

Harley ignored Blu, "Terra, pick between Luck and Shaw."


"Woopie." He stated with zero enthusiasm, as Terra launched at him.

"You Human's are so delicious!" Terra yelled, blade swinging wildly.

Shaw just sat there, wincing a little as the blade cut him, and he beamed back to his ship. Terra licked her blade ferociously.

When he beamed back to Harley's ship, he sat back down in his own chair as if he was never gone.

"Terra, last competitor." Harley looked over at Luck, "all you have to do is survive five seconds, and the planet's yours."

"I've never fought a Novakid before! I wonder what you taste like." She stabbed at the Novakid, who barely dodged out of the way.

Luck shouted, holding her cap on her head as she reached for her pistol, "Terra, huh? Well you're Terra-fying!" She fired a few shots, which the warrior dodged with glee.

Weaving back and forth, swinging her blade with a look of ecstasy, Terra growled.

"Hey Terra look, a Hylotl!" Luck said in between Terra's swings.

"What?" She turned her head, jaw wide, as Luck's bullet cut through her. She was beamed out in an instant.

"Florans. Too violent to think." Luck said, speaking calmly but breathing heavily.

"Okay, the planet goes to the Novakid." Harley established as Terra arrived back. "Next issue."

Blu, Luck, Terra (knawing on a piece of meat from who knows where), and Shaw all stared at her in silence.

"I need a crew."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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