Chapter Four: Well, This Is Awkward.

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As the cold waves swirled around me, I couldn't help but wish that I could've seen their faces. I resurfaced and looked up at the cheery pirate ship. The crew was looking over the edge at me. Luffy stretched his hand back and flung it at me. He latched onto my wrist and whooped in triumph. I hadn't thought of this, but I'd watched One Piece long enough to know Luffy's weaknesses. I grabbed his arm and pulled. His body came flying towards me, but I ducked into the water. I felt awful for risking his life and repented immediately. I saw his body land in the water and I grabbed the back of his vest. I resurfaced and began swimming towards the nearby island. I heard splashes behind me. It was Zoro And Sanji. I stopped swimming and held up Luffy's weak body as high as I could.

"Come any closer and I drop him." And now I'm threatening to kill Luffy. This is the weirdest day ever. With my threat in mind, they stopped swimming towards me

After a long swim I reached the beach of the island and dragged Luffy on the sand. I propped him up on a nearby palm tree. If my plan worked, Zoro and Sanji would return to the ship, they'd bring the ship into port, and get their captain. I sat down next to Luffy and watched the Going Merry. Luffy started hacking up sea water and I turned my attention to him. He looked at me strangely.

"What did you do that for?" He asked me.

"You saved my life, I save yours. True I was the one to put in danger, but cut me some slack, I've had a bad day." I said simply. He cocked his head to the side, but smiled all the same.

"Okay." He stated and I laughed. "How do you know who we are?"

"Some questions are better left unanswered. Now if you'll excuse me," I got up and brushed off myself off. "Your crew will probably want to kill me and I value my life." I put my hands in my sopping wet pockets and wandered into the town. I wondered for a moment, when did I get so badass?

Probably around the time I came into your life.

"Oh, how modest." I said with a grin.

I walked throughout town without a destination in mind, but ended up in a rice place. I went through two plates of food before realizing I didn't have any money, I ended up dashing when no one was looking. I was officially a criminal. I was just about to turn a corner when I heard a familiar voice.
"Hey!" Zoro's voice echoed and I took off running at the sound. I took turns randomly in the town, hoping to lose the pirates. I ducked into an alley to catch my breath. I took deep breaths and suddenly it was back. That prickly feeling. I was about to have a vision. I swore under my breath. I stepped out of the alley.

"Hey, there she is! No, Zoro, this way!" The pirates! I sprinted down the street, pushing people left and right. Finally I spotted my chance. About twenty feet in front of me was a forest! I could lose them in there! I put on the speed and closed the distance between the forest and me. I could almost touch the leafy greens when the pins and needles intensified.

"STREET! WHAT DO I DO?!" I panicked.

Okay, I probably should have told you this a lot earlier, but you can summon me in human form and I'll protect you!

"I would scream at you, but I'm a bit busy! I summon you or whatever!" I yelled at Street.

Okay, now only one of us can conscious at a time, so, you'll pass out! I rolled my eyes, but stopped running.

"Just do it!" I said to Street. I closed my eyes and went into the future.


Boulevard fell to the ground and a new boy appeared. He was about the same age as Boulevard, 18 or 19. He looked the exact opposite of Boulevard, though. She had brown hair, he had black. Her eyes were teal, his were so dark, they were almost black.

He blinked a few times. He looked down at the girl at his feet and laughed. She looked so sweet when she wasn't conscious. He bent down and picked her up, bridal style.

"Oi! Put her down!" Luffy yelled. The boy looked at them with a grin and winked. Then he turned and ran at an impossible pace.


I was watching myself. I was sitting on a rooftop with Luffy. The moon was high in the sky. I looked down at my watch. I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling I got from the vision. It was good... I think. My feelings were so jumbled, I couldn't focus. I wanted to get back to reality. I thought hard. I pushed on the wall that held me in the vision.

But I was pushed back. What if I was stuck here forever? Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap!

Shh, Not yet. It isn't safe. Street's reassuring voice calmed me down. You think my voice is reassuring?

"Yeah, you sound like Mufusa." I teased him.

I'm flattered. I snorted and the vision faded to black.

"I've decided." I said to Street

Decided what?

"You are officially my bestie. No rejections; you're stuck with me." I declared.

Even if I refused, which I'm not, I'd still be stuck with you. I am part of your mind.

"That's true" I agreed.

You're an idiot.


The truth hurts.

"One day I will kill you, Street."

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