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Hey Maya here and I'm here to show you something that me bestie Minty77777 had on her account.

Hey Maya here and I'm here to show you something that me bestie Minty77777 had on her account

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LIKE DUDES. Rape is a HORRIBLE problem! If you wanna see how this man got caught go to Minty's account. She has the chat. I'm just here to warn you. THIS DUDE HAS KIK AND OMEGAL OR WHATEVER THE HECK IT'S CALLED. I'm just warning you guys! Be SAFE online. Keyword: SAFE. I mean you never can trust a man with a superman tattoo now can you? (Okay this is a joke but seriously BE SAFE.)
So again yea BE SAFE. (And here I am thinking, "I am now a mother, telling these poor and innocent souls to 'BE SAFE'. Great way to spend life.") OKAY AGAIN BE SAFE AND MAYA OUTTT!!!

P.S: BE SAFE!!!!

MCD/MS/PDH RP!!!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora