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It had been one year sense my mom had died from cancer. She had Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. She was only 51 when she died and it's been pretty hard for my family to get over her death. It really kinda messed my family up though, I think my mom (her name was Lisa) kinda held our family together. After she died my dad (Bernie) became a crazy alcoholic and my brother (Adam) just sits home all day and plays video games. My dad works at a gas station that's like 10 minutes away from our house. And my brother still didn't have a job nor went to collage. And he's 19. He says he's gonna be a video game designer one day so I guess that's what he's gonna try to do but I doubt it will work out because he never leaves the house. I was about to start my second year of high school. Yay. I mean I like school and I get pretty good grades but school isn't all that fun when you have nobody to hang out with. I guess im just not very good at making friends. So it was the night before my first day of school and for the first time in like... Forever my whole family was eating dinner together. This was very rare. None of us really talked just the sound of our chewing filled the silence in the room. My dad was the first one to say something. "Are you excited for your first day of school tomorrow Ellena?" Said my dad. "I guess" I said. "Your such and anti social nerd so that's why you have nobody to hang out with" said my brother. "I wasn't even talking to you so shut up" I said in an angry tone. "Hey no fighting at the dinner table" said my dad. "Whatever I'm just being honest" said my brother. "Can I go to my room now?" I asked. "Sure" said my dad. "Yes please go away" said my brother. I rolled my eyes and quickly ran upstairs to my room and began to read some more of this book called "The Cellar". This is like the 3rd time
I've read this book because I really love it. It was getting late so I put down my book, turned my lights off and went to sleep.

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