Chapter Three

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Dipper jerked up, finding himself in bed with his forehead burning hot and not to mention that blood was now rushing to his head. He groaned and laid back down slowly, his eyes being the death of him. The kid raised his hand and placed it on the spot that stung to reveal a small cut...or mark or something. It felt like dry blood. He hissed in pain as he felt his skin touch the old mark then removed his finger and put his hand back inside his blankets, where he laid covered up.

What happened?

He honestly couldn't remember much...maybe for the fact he hit his head and somehow got back to the shack, not quite clear on how he had, but still somehow. But what he did know is that his head hurt and his forehead was burning hot.

Minutes later, Mabel, Grunkle Stan and even Grunkle Ford walked into the room, expressions worried but then loosened up when they saw him awake. He didn't look too swell, but he was still awake.

"D-Dipper! I'm so glad you're okay!!" She ran over to his bed, eyes watering as she stood by the side. "I-I'm so sorry..."

"Sorry for what...?" He spoke, voice a little raspy. "You didn't do anything."

"I-it was my suggestion to go to the park..."

"You didn't know that would happen...and look. I'm okay."

She looked at him and gave a small nod, rubbing her eyes free of tears. Dipper winced and gripped his head, slipping back down into the blankets.

"Headache?" Ford asked as he walked over and bent down on a knee so he could see his great nephew.

"Mm-hmm..." He slowly nodded.

The 6-fingered man placed his hand on the kid's forehead. "You're burning with quite a fever too."

He gave a small nod, gripping his blankets as he winced again, eyes watering. "C-can I have like some medicine to get rid of it? T-the headache I hurts..."

The elderly man nodded as he stood back up. "I'll be right back with some ibuprofin." And with that, he walked out of the room, leaving Mabel and Stan there.

"Want anything to eat, kid?" Stan asked as he sat across from him, on Mabel's bed.

"Nu-uh...i'm okay..." He muttered.

"You sure?"

"I'm positive..."

The man nodded slowly. "...You're free of work today since you're sick, but don't get used to it."

"Yeah, yeah, I won't.."

Minutes later, Ford walked back into the room with a small pill and glass of the clear substance called water. He offered both to the kid, who took them with no hesitation. The boy then put the white small pill on his tongue and glugged down the glass of water, feeling it go down his throat. He coughed a tiny bit then laid back down, putting the glass on the table beside him. The 6-fingered-man took it and headed out of the room, his eyes fixed on his niece and brother, probably mentally telling them to give him some space.

"Well...uh....we'll check on you later, kid. Try to rest up for once, will ya?" Stan spoke as he rolled his eyes and exited the room. Course he knew the boy rarely got a good sleep.

Mabel was hesitant to leave at first but then realized it was likely for the best. "Grunkle Stan's right on that one...try to sleep, okay? You need it." She gave a small smile. "I'll be back soon, promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2016 ⏰

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