Chapter Two

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"WHAT?!" Ali yelled at her mother in disgust. "You never told me anything about this!" Lunch had finished and Ali, The King and Queen were all standing outside The Dining Hall, hiding behind a plant of some sort.

"Well it was very hard to, considering Theodore has been so busy." The King said, using big gestures with his hands to try and make Ali calmer. "We were going to tell you when he turned eighteen but he got so caught up in The Army-" The King said, but Ali cut him off.

"Oh wow, let me guess he passed The Test with flying colours and fought for the country in The War?!" Ali was sick of everyone she knew always passing The Test and getting a job in The Army, it was only adding to the pressure for her to pass The Test and do the same. She thought back to The Dining Hall and remembered how shocked Theodore had been when he had found out the news too. He obviously had no idea either, she could tell from the look on his face although she could've sworn she saw him smile to himself after dessert. Ali had to admit, this Theodore person was pretty gorgeous, in comparison to what her father had introduced her to worse before. His shiny dark brown hair was long on the top and short at the sides and his eyes were slate grey, sparkling in the light.

"Actually yes, young Lady. Although Theodore did not fight with The Army in The War, he is still a very brave and valiant man." Her mother said, stopping Ali's thoughts.

"You mean he was a nurse? You want me, the future Queen to marry a nurse?"

"I will have you know that Theodore risks his life in The War. He doesn't just stay hiding inside a tent healing people, he runs onto the front lines, into the trenches to save people's life there and then on the spot. He could've died, Ali, so many times but he still does it and is willing to do it again and again. He is one of the best Senior Doctors there."

"You mean... " Ali trailed off as she realised that Theodore had obviously done better in the Medical side of The War section in The Test, and not the Theory or Physical side which made sense, due to his slightly smaller build. "How old is he?" Ali asked, only now noticing how loud she had been talking to her parents this whole time and so immediately dropped down the volume of her voice, blushing slightly after peering round the corner to check no one was watching and luckily - no one was.

"It is his twenty-first birthday next month, and you will marry him after The Test, but before you two will set of with The Army" said her mother. If I set off with The Army. "You should get ready for training now or you'll be late."


Forty five minutes later Ali was changed and ready for training. She didn't need Anna and Francesca to help her because she wasn't getting dressed up for a special occasion. Besides, Ali had had training everyday ever since she can remember so she was so used to getting ready by herself. Although Francesca still always lays out her outfit on the chaise-long for her. Today, she had laid out her favourite black leather training jumpsuit that had buttons going up her chest so she could alter how low it was - today it was quite low. She was also wearing her expensive boots she got for her birthday last year which were mid calf height and had zips going up the side of her legs. She made a French plait on the side of her head which had more hair on it due to her side parting and tied it of with the rest of her hair into a loose ponytail. Ali loved plaiting her hair, she found it so relaxing and also rather therapeutic - to her it was the time of day where she could just relax and forget about everything else. She took off all the jewellery that she was wearing earlier and finally decided to keep her makeup on even though it was most likely going to drip by the end of the session anyway.

Ali walked outside to see Max as per usual, outside her door waiting for her.

"Hey Ali!" He said, doing a small bow. "I'm so sorry, I heard the news-"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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