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'again! you're leaving me again!' Destiny yelled with tears brimming her eyes
'baby im sorry i wish i didn'thave to leave but the fans.' kevin said sitting beside her.
Destiny lifts her head from her hands ' so what your saying is that your fans mean more to you then me! your own girlfriend of two years?!' she yelled pushing kev away, she never been so hurt.
'Destiny they're MY fans! they got me to where i am today, and im ain't tryna cancel the whole tour cus you don't want me going! and if you dont... if you dont get that we finna break this off' he said with seriousness dripping from he voice.
Destiny looked up with her mascara smudged and lip trembling, kevin hated seeing her like that but whats been said has been said.
' i guess this is the end' she said grabbing her phone and putting it in her purses. she was about to leave when Kevin pulls her into a long hug never wanting to let her go, but he had to. she pulls away with a sad smile 'just know kevin, that you'll always have a place in my heart, and with that said she left. And that was the last time kevin saw Destiny....or is it?
After the break up Destiny moved to Toronto because her father got a better job offer down there, she didn't want Kevin to think it was their break up that made her move so far but then again she didn't care what he thinks. She's been in Toronto for about 2 years now and made so really good friends, she keeps her circle small now so it only consist of a couple of people like her bestfriend Keeonna, Jordan, and Amber. She thought she left Kevin behind but it's a small world.

Distance (Kevin Alston X Devin Gordon X Daniel Veda)Where stories live. Discover now