You only have to ask (2)~ (Sans x reader)

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Suicide mentions

Depressing things

Non-Gaster!sans romance

Original sans smut

You lay awake in your bed, to sore to move from yesterday. Well, that's kinda a lie. Don't get yourself wrong, you're kinda sore and possibly have black and purple bruises on your ass cheeks, but you're just using that excuse to not go downstairs after your little 'adventure' this morning.


I awoke with Gaster!sans' big, powerful body curled around me in the sheets of my bed. One of his holed hands was slightly open, rested lightly on my shoulder, the other one snaked under my waist it a way that was a little bit uncomfortable. His jaw lay touching the top of my head, with every one of his breaths a strand of my hair moved back and forth out of place.

I let my thoughts drift back to the night before and felt my body warm at the memory. I hadn't ever imagined that it would be so good. Why had anyone ever told me about feeling like a glowing, golden cloud afterward, either. Why hadn't mom mentioned that when she had given me The Talk? Well, to be fair, when mom gave me The Talk when monsters were still a 'myth.'

Heheh, mom...

I quickly buried the idea of the family I will never see again and focused on figuring out what time we went to bed.

I didn't have any idea when Gaster!sans and I had finally fallen asleep, but I had fully expected to be woken by Papyrus' antics in the morning.

The full light of day lit my room through the crack between the curtains, but the house was silent.

Gaster!sans was blocking my view of the clock, so I turned slightly to get a better look of it. It was late morning.

I woke him with my sudden start and he smiled sleepily. "Your hair looks good in a mess, doll."

The look he gave me nearly made me forget my concern. "It's late," I forced myself to say as I stepped over him.

His eyes lost focus for a split-second as his eyes flicked over to the clock. "Nope, not noon yet. Come back to bed and let me hug you some more."

"Oh? So you can't hug me out of bed?" I teased, grabbing my hairbrush off of the little desk below the mirror and began working on my hair as I stretched the stiffness out of my legs. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be; I supposed that the soreness will kick in a little later once I start actually doing stuff.

"Well, I can," he moaned, rolling over onto his back. "-But I don't want to. Just cuddle me some more."

"Then get out of bed and cuddle me"

I threw whatever was on my floor on me; being a black t-shirt and some jeans.

"I don't wanna get out of bed."

"We can't stay in bed all day." I clarified. "Besides, Papyrus should be home by now. Something's not right."

Gaster!sans rolled out of bed and shook himself. He floated his leather jacket, black jeans, boxers and shoes over and they settled onto him. Of course, he is to lazy to actually walk to them, instead floating them over in his yellow magic.

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