diamond earrings

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I was dressed in my robe, getting ready for my anniversary date with my 2 year boyfriend. I met him in freshman year in highschool, we bumped into eachother and I broke his nose and I rushed him to the infirmary.  Ever since he hated me until i saved him from some crisis he was in.  Then he asked me out a few months later and we've been together since then.
When we say love, we mean butterflies and electricity and other shit like that but no, ours was nuclear and atomic bombs.  It was like we were stuck with eachother no matter how many times we tried to stay away from eachother.
Like one time I changed my subjects to be away from him because he said I was being clingy but he was the clingy one. He also changed his time table to be with me coz he thought another boy would snatch me away from.
I smiled at how protective he was being.  I sat in front of my mirror and french braided my hair. I applied foundation on my face before applying the others. I then made a smokey eye to compliment my green eyes but I cleaned it make a new one less smokey. But as soon as I cleaned it heard the door bell ring.

"Oh shit"i exclaimed.
"He is here." I didn't know what to do.  I was running around my room to look for something to wear.




"Im coming" I shouted. I didn't care if I dressed or not coz I was pissed. He rung the bell as if he were impatient. That fucking idiot wants to piss me off today.




"That fucking bastard." I muttered and felt my lip twitch. I was running down the stairs and I sang a chorus of swears under my breath.

I cut it short by opening the door to shut him up.
"The fuc-" I kept my mouth shut realising the person standing there.  It was the mail man. He glared at me and handed me letters.
I instantly knew they were bills. I sighed and sat in my chair.



Maybe he forgot to give me something. Thinking it was the mail man again.
I dragged my feet to the door amd opened it to a handsome creature standing there with a white shirt and black jeans.
"Hy handsome" I greeted.
"I don't know if I should say the same about you" he replied thats when I realised I wasn't dressed. I welcomed him and let him in.
"Lemme get dressed" I said and turned to the stairs. "No wait." He stopped me." I got something for you.  And you can dress later."
He reached into his pockets and brought out a small black box. I heart instantly started racing. Was he hoing to propose. I wasn't ready to be a wife yet. I hope he thought through this before making this decision.
He opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond earrings and i instantly relaxed.
"Aww they are beautiful." I said and pouted at how beautiful they were. I was about touching it when he stopped me.
"Its not yours. I brought it just to show you this is the type of earrings you should be wearing" he said and closed the box. Then walkdd out of my house just like that.......


What just happened.



That son of a leaking goat.

Lemme know what you think.
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