Month 5

591 10 4

Normal POV
It's been 5 months seen you got pregnant everyone was so kind. You met someone new that Sans was really good friends with his name was Grillby. You decided to go for a wake. You waked to Grillby's and took a set "how's the kid?" Grillby asked in a calming voice. "A mess they won't stop kicking." he smiled. "Thank you." he said you looked at him and giggled "for what?" you asked. "For taking care of Sans. I fell like ever since he met you he's just more of a man. Well know that his having a baby his just a better his actually making an effort of understanding humans and I'm happy." You smiled. "Yeah he's changed a lot." you said while rubbing your stomach.
"And i'm 100% positive that he'll be a great dad."

"(Y-y/n)?!" Someone said with shock. You looked at the person to see it was none other than your dad. FUCK WHY NOW WHY DID HE HAVE TO COME OUT OF ALL THE TIMES! You thought to yourself "d-dad why are you here?" He looked at you than at your stomach "your pregnant?" You looked away and whisper "yeah but don't worry it not yours."
He seem pissed "WHO'S IS IT WHO DID THIS TO YOU?!" he demanded to know. Why is know acting like a dad all of a sudden.
He calmed down and looked at you "come on we're going home." he graded your hand squeezed get it tightly making you yelp. Grillby throw him off of you. "(Y/n) go call Sans." You looked at him. "But Grillby?" You were cut off "I SAID GO CALL SANS. KNOW!" it took a lot to get Girllby to yell at someone. "There's no need to." you looked at the doorway to see Sans standing there. He wakes in and stood next to Grillby looking at your dad laying on the floor "man I don't appreciates you yelling at my wife like that." He said mad.
"My apologies Sans." Sans punched you dad and stared to yell at him Grillby didn't even bother stopping him. "Please stop. (y/n) are you just going to let this man hurt your dad." He begged you to stop Sans.
Before Sans could swing at him again you stopped him.
"That's enough Sans." you said kissing his cheek. You helped your dad up and looked up at him and suddenly your dad was flying across the room.

Sans's POV
(Y/n) had punched her father sending him flying across the bar "look I'm not in the best of moods right now. Your a terrible father and I honestly don't think you'll even be a decent grandfather. STAY AWAY FROM ME AND MY FAMILY ESPECIALLY MY CHID! I DONT TO EVER SEE YOU NEVER THEM OR ROSEY! Now get out sight."
The way she said it scared me and turned on but I had to stay clam. She passed out before she fell I caught her. "Are you ok?" She looked up at me "yeah I'm fine just a little tired." We walked home. Papy wasn't happy at the fact that (y/n) left without telling anyone her sister was cry because she was worried about her sister. We were all happy (y/n) was safe. Me and (y/n) went up stairs to go to bed she laid on her side I wrapped my arms around her stomach. "Just think in 4 more months we'll be parents" I pointed out.

"Yeah, to be honest I'm kinda scared and excited at the same time."

"But don't worry we sill have each other and we will get though this ok."

"Ok I'm so lucky to have someone like you in my life Sans."

"I am too."
I kissed her four head and we both fell asleep.

I was really tried but the baby's gender and name in the two hopefully. Sorry that is so short and for any mistakes.☺️
Thx for 100+ reads.😝

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