chapter one ;;

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Park Sehyuk awoke to two things; thunder, and crying. The thunder was pretty self explanitory, lighting flashed outside and the soft tapping of rain on the rooftop made perfect sense, but the crying was a whole different story.

Who was crying? And why? Sehyuk assumed it wasn't one of his friends; but what if it was?

Sehyuk sat up in bed, yawning, before craning his head to get a look at his alarm.

2:43 in the morning.

Sehyuk groaned inwardly. What was someone doing up at this hour? He decided to investigate.

As Sehyuk was climbing out of bed, another roll of thunder came through, causing the sobbing to get louder. That sure made Sehyuk get out of bed faster.

He quietly padded his way out to the hallway, glancing around, trying to see where the crying was coming from. When Sehyuk knew it wasn't some demon or ghost, he started walking to his friend's rooms, trying to determine who was crying.

He passed the rooms of Hansol, Nakta, Xero... Then he reached Hojoon's room. The door was slightly ajar, and when Sehyuk peeked inside, he saw a small figure curled up under the sheets, shaking.

Sehyuk frowned, pushing the door open a little more and slipping inside, making his way over to the lump.

As he got closer, he could heard Hojoon's soft sniffles and quickened breath, making him feel bad.

"Hojoon?" Sehyuk whispered quietly, making the ball of blankets shoot practically two feet in the air.

Oops, Sehyuk thought. I must have scared him.

Slowly, Hojoon pulled the blankets from over his head, looking up to his hyung with wide, red, puffy eyes what were illuminated by the light of his nightlight in the corner.

"Y-Yes Sehyukkie?" The younger squeaked, clutching onto his teddy bear tightly under the blankets.

Hojoon looked at Sehyuk, feeling bad that he had woken him up with his pitiful whimpering.

Oh no, Hojoon's mind wailed. I accidentally woke up one of my hyungs. Jenissi-ssi will be so upset with me! He's going to punish me for being bad. He'll probably take Mr. Bear!

It was those thoughts that made more tears force their way out of Hojoon's eyes, which made Sehyuk panic.

Shit; what does he do? His dongsang is crying like a scolded child and he doesn't know how to stop it.

"Hey, hey, shh..." Sehyuk sat on the bed next to Hojoon, wrapping an arm around his shaking frame. He pulled him to his chest and rubbed his back comfortingly, hoping to calm the younger male down. "It's okay, I'm here. No need to fuss anymore, okay?"

Sehyuk found it strange the way Hojoon was acting. He was like toddler. It was concerning, to say the least, but what was even more concerning was how Sehyuk was reacting to this. He wasn't freaked out or asking why he was like this, oh no, instead Sehyuk went along with what Hojoon was doing, babying him in an attempt to make him feel better.

Hojoon sniffled, reaching up to wipe his nose with his sweater sleeve, before crawling into Sehyuk's lap, wrapping his legs around his waist.

"Thank yew, Daddy..." He nuzzled his face into Sehyuk's chest, yawning.

Sehyuk's eyes widened.

Did he just call me Daddy?

As Sehyuk looked down to ask Hojoon what he had just said, he saw that he was already asleep, clutching onto Sehyuk's shirt with his chubby hands.

He looked a lot smaller than he actually way when he was in Sehyuk's lap, making him look even cuter than he had before. But he still was heavy.

Sehyuk sighed softly, realizing he wouldn't be let up, and decided just to sleep in here for tonight. He laid back in Hojoon's bed, pulling the blankets over them, and wrapped his arms loosely around Hojoon.

Hojoon's chest rose and fell as he slept peacefully for the rest of the night, and Sehyuk fell asleep shortly after he did, cradling his dongsang in his arms.

yes, daddy? || + j.hjWhere stories live. Discover now