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       My name is Shanell but everyone calls me Shan. My summer of my senior year in high school started off with me getting a job. I worked at the local teen spot. It's where teens can come after school to do homework and chill. Anyways I was nervous because I never worked with teens before. I usually stick with younger kids.

       It's my first day and I was beyond nervous. I got out of my bed, turned on some music and headed to the bathroom to get in the shower. After I finished I put my clothes on and went to wake up my little brother, Shawn, so he could go get ready.

"Shawn, get up and go take a shower." I said while shaking him.

" Five more minutes." He mumbled at me.

" No get up now Sean I don't want to be late for my first day."

       Shawn reluctantly got up and hopped into the shower singing "Oh Happy Day". I laughed while shaking my head. I walked back into my room and made my bed. Then I started fixing my black shoulder length hair into a high ponytail. When I was done I went downstairs to the kitchen and fixed me a bowl of my favorite cereal: Frosted Flakes. Soon Shawn came into the kitchen grabbed a Brown Cinnamon Poptart, he looked and me and said "Let's go." He walked outside to my car while I went to grab my things. After I locked the front door and I got into my car I drove towards the teen spot.

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Hope you guys enjoyed it, I know it started off slow but I promise it will get better!! Make sure you comment and vote. Tell me what you think, I am open to any suggestions.

Love, Jaz

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