One Last Kiss [Levi x Petra]

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'Please! Keep her safe!' Rivaille thought as he speed up through the forest with his maneuver gear. He just can't stop worrying for his squad.

"Captain, I have trust in you!" A girl said with her usual cheerful demeanor.

Later on, as he pass by from tree to tree, he saw a dark haired guy hanging lifeless on a tree. It was Gunther. Few meters away, he saw Eldo's upper body on the ground. Not far from them, he saw Oluo's crushed body.

"C-captain you smiled!" though she was bewildered, the smile on her face was really full of delight. Who would thought she could make him smile.

Seeing his squad's corpse made him worry even more. ' I hope you're safe... Petra, please be safe...' He kept on begging in his thoughts.

"E-etto..." Petra was mumbling cutely. "I love you too... Levi"

When he saw a sunset haired girl leaning on a tree trunk with blood on her face, his whole world seemed to fall apart. He was hanging there not knowing what to do next.

"Levi!!" Her angelic face was so adorable whenever she calls him.

Insticntively, he went down to the ground and walked his way to Petra. Gently, he shifted her position and made her head rest on his arms and her crushed spine supported by his lower limb.

"Come here..." Says he then he sat under a tree shade. The girl went to him still wearing her warm smile. "Sit here..."

Petra obliged and sat beside him. He made her head rest on his lap and continuously strokes her hair. They did nothing there until the girl talks. "Levi, how long are we going to keep this as a secret?"

Rivaille didn't respond. He just kept on stroking her hair. Later on, he stops and bends down a little.He gave her a gentle kiss in the forehead and smiles a little. "We'll tell it to them after the expedition... so keep yourself safe okay?" She nodded with a smile. "I love you Petra..."

She gave him one of her sweetest smiles and sits up."I love you too... Levi" Says she then Rivaille went close to her and kisses her.

While he strokes her soft hair, memories along with tears started to flow like river.He was blaming himself for what happened. "If I just came earlier, this would've not happened! If I was just here, probably I could've protected everyone..."

As he weep silently, other memories of the girl fills his mind.From the moment they first met until the time when he realized her great importance. The time when he smiles because of her cheerfulness. When he first laughed. The time when he dared to confess to her, which was the happiest day for the girl. The day they first kissed... Those were their happy memories that they could've been reminiscing in the near future. But now with Petra gone, those memories will just remain as memories giving him nothing but regret.

Rivaille carries her and lays her on a higher place. "I'll come back for you... I just have to finish off that b*tch who took you from me..." He muttered then he leaned down and held the girl's face with his hands. He pressed his lips on her left cheek and he remained like that for several minutes. After that he breaks free and speeds to the female titan's direction.

'I'll move forward. I'll make sure your death will never be in vain... I promise that... I will always love you Petra... No one can replace you in my life...'


so... how was it? if there are details that you don't like then I'm sooooorryy!!

but if you guys want I can make a longer fanfic about them ^_^



btw, the italicized parts were like flashbacks so don't get confused okay? ^_^

I'll totally appreciate your votes and comments!

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